chip shot

chip shot
подсечка (в гольфе)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "chip shot" в других словарях:

  • chip shot — chip′ shot n. spo short shot in golf on approaching a green that is intentionally hit high into the air • Etymology: 1905–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • chip shot — n. Golf a short, lofted shot, made esp. from just off the putting green …   English World dictionary

  • chip shot — noun (golf) a low running approach shot • Syn: ↑chip • Derivationally related forms: ↑chip (for: ↑chip) • Topics: ↑golf, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • chip shot — /ˈtʃɪp ʃɒt/ (say chip shot) noun 1. Golf a short shot using a wrist motion, made in approaching the green. 2. Soccer a shot at goal in which the ball is lofted over the goalkeeper s head and under the crossbar into the goal. 3. Tennis → chop… …  

  • chip shot — Golf. a shot that is purposely hit fairly high into the air and is meant to roll upon landing, used in approaching the green. Also called pitch and run shot, pitch and run. Cf. pitch shot. [1905 10] * * * …   Universalium

  • chip shot — noun Date: 1909 1. a short usually low approach shot in golf that lofts the ball to the green and allows it to roll 2. a short and easy field goal in football …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • chip — [chip] vt. chipped, chipping [ME chippen < OE * cippian < cipp, log, plowshare < L cippus, post, stake < IE base * k̑eipo , sharp post] 1. Rare to cut or chop with an ax or other sharp tool 2. a) to break or cut a small piece or thin… …   English World dictionary

  • chip — chip1 chippable, adj. /chip/, n., v., chipped, chipping. n. 1. a small, slender piece, as of wood, separated by chopping, cutting, or breaking. 2. a very thin slice or small piece of food, candy, etc.: chocolate chips. 3. a mark or flaw made by… …   Universalium

  • chip — I [[t]tʃɪp[/t]] n. v. chipped, chip•ping 1) a small, slender piece, as of wood, separated by chopping, cutting, or breaking 2) coo a very thin slice or small piece of food, candy, etc.: chocolate chips[/ex] 3) a mark or flaw made by the breaking… …   From formal English to slang

  • chip — I. /tʃɪp / (say chip) noun 1. a small piece, as of wood, separated by chopping, cutting, or breaking. 2. a very thin slice or piece of food, etc.: chocolate chips. 3. Also, potato chip. a. a deep fried finger of potato. b. a thin slice of potato …  

  • chip — I. noun Etymology: Middle English; akin to Old English cippian Date: 14th century 1. a. a small usually thin and flat piece (as of wood or stone) cut, struck, or flaked off b. a small piece of food: as (1) a small thin slice of food; especially… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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