Child-Guidance — [tʃaɪld gaɪdəns] die, , eine in den USA und Großbritannien entwickelte Methode der Diagnostik und Behandlung von kindlichen Entwicklungs und Verhaltensstörungen sowie der Elternberatung; entspricht der Erziehungsberatung. Charakteristisch ist… … Universal-Lexikon
Child-Guidance — Child Gui|dance [ tʃaildgaidəns] die; <aus engl. child guidance »Erziehungsberatung« zu child »Kind« u. guidance »Unterweisung, Belehrung, Anleitung«> eine in den USA u. in Großbritannien entwickelte Methode der Diagnostik u. Behandlung von … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
child guidance — n the clinical study and treatment of the personality and behavior problems of esp. maladjusted and delinquent children by a staff of specialists usu. comprising a physician or psychiatrist, a clinical psychologist, and a psychiatric social… … Medical dictionary
child guidance — noun 1. : the clinical study and treatment of the personality and behavior problems of especially maladjusted and delinquent children by a staff of specialists usually comprising a physician or psychiatrist, a clinical psychologist, and a… … Useful english dictionary
Child-Guidance-Clinic — Child Guidance Clinic, v. a. in Großbritannien (dort schon vor 1945) und in den USA entstandene schulische und außerschulische Einrichtungen in öffentlicher oder privater Trägerschaft, die der Erziehungsberatung und der Behebung von… … Universal-Lexikon
child guidance — the reeducation, therapeutic treatment, or study of children with emotional and behavioral problems, conducted by psychologists, teachers, or other trained specialists. [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
child guidance — /tʃaɪld ˈgaɪdns/ (say chuyld guydns) noun the readjustment, with psychiatric help, of difficult, retarded, etc., children …
child psychology — 1. the study of the mental states and processes of children. 2. the application of psychological techniques to children. [1895 1900] * * * Study of the psychological processes of children. The field is sometimes subsumed under developmental… … Universalium
Child discipline — is the set of rules, rewards and punishments administered to teach self control, increase desirable behaviors and decrease undesirable behaviors in children. In its most general sense, discipline refers to systematic instruction given to a… … Wikipedia
Child care in the United Kingdom — is supported by a combination of rights at work, public sector provision and private companies. Child care is usually undertaken by the parents, and more often the mother who takes leave from employment. Early childhood education in a creche or… … Wikipedia
Child life specialist — Child life specialists are pediatric health care professionals who work with patients, their family and others involved in the child’s care in order to help them manage stress and understand medical and various procedures.[1] The objectives of… … Wikipedia