chief magistrate

chief magistrate
[͵tʃi:fʹmædʒıstr(e)ıt] амер.
1. = Chief Executive 1 1) и 2)
2. (chief magistrate)
1) глава государства (монарх или президент)
2) глава муниципалитета, мэр города

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "chief magistrate" в других словарях:

  • Chief magistrate — is a generic designation for a public official whose office individual or collegial is the highest in his or her class, in either of the fundamental meanings of Magistrate (which often overlapped in the Ancien régime): as a major political and… …   Wikipedia

  • Chief Magistrate — is a generic designation for a public official whose office individual or collegial is the highest in his or her class, in either of the fundamental meanings of Magistrate (which often overlapped in the Ancien régime): as a major political and… …   Wikipedia

  • chief magistrate — chief magistrate, the highest official or magistrate of a government, such as a country s monarch or president, the governor of a state, or the mayor of a city …   Useful english dictionary

  • Chief Magistrate (Fiji) — Judiciary of Fiji Judicial officers Chief Justice Appeal Court President Chief Magistrate Justice of Appeal Puisne judges High Court Masters Institutions Supreme Court Court of Appeal High Court Magistrates Courts Judicial Service Commission …   Wikipedia

  • chief magistrate — judge who heads the Magistrate s court …   English contemporary dictionary

  • chief magistrate — As an executive officer, the highest officer, as the President of the United States or the governor of a state. State ex rel. McNichols v Justus, 84 Minn 237, 87 NW 770; as a judicial officer, the chief judge among police court judges …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • chief# — chief n Chief, chieftain, head, headman, leader, master are comparable when they mean the person in whom resides authority or ruling power but they differ in their applications and associations. Chief is the most comprehensive of these terms,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • chief — [chēf] n. [ME chef, chief, leader < OFr < VL * capum < L caput, HEAD] 1. the head or leader of a group, organization, etc.; person of highest title or authority 2. Archaic the most valuable or main part of anything 3. Heraldry the upper… …   English World dictionary

  • magistrate — [maj′istrāt΄, maj′istrit] n. [ME < L magistratus < magister,MASTER] 1. a civil officer empowered to administer the law: the President of the U.S. is sometimes called chief magistrate 2. a minor official with limited judicial powers, as a… …   English World dictionary

  • Magistrate — For the musical group, see Magistrates (band). Magistrate Sir Lyman Poore Duff, a former judge of the Supreme Court of Canada Occupation Names Judge, Justice of the Peace, magistrat …   Wikipedia

  • Chief Industrial Magistrate's Court — The Chief Industrial Magistrate s Court is the general name given to the Local Court of New South Wales when hearing industrial cases. Local Courts are the lowest courts in the court hierarchy in New South Wales, a State of Australia, and deal… …   Wikipedia

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