chew over — verb reflect deeply on a subject (Freq. 1) I mulled over the events of the afternoon philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate • Syn: ↑think over,… … Useful english dictionary
chew over — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms chew over : present tense I/you/we/they chew over he/she/it chews over present participle chewing over past tense chewed over past participle chewed over informal to think about something carefully or discuss… … English dictionary
chew over — PHRASAL VERB If you chew something over, you keep thinking about it. [V n P] He tends to chew things over too much in his mind... [V P n (not pron)] Goldstone chewed over the idea further … English dictionary
chew over — go home and chew it over Syn: meditate on, ruminate on, think about/over/through, mull over, consider, ponder on, deliberate on, reflect on, muse on, dwell on, give thought to, turn over in one s mind; brood over, puzzle over, rack one s brains… … Thesaurus of popular words
chew over — verb To think deeply about; to ponder or mull over … Wiktionary
chew over — transitive verb Date: 1939 to meditate on ; think about reflectively … New Collegiate Dictionary
chew over — consider, contemplate; discuss, engage in conversation … English contemporary dictionary
chew over — Consider (at leisure) … A concise dictionary of English slang
chew — [cho͞o] vt. [ME chewen < OE ceowan, to bite, chew < IE base * gjeu , to chew > Pers ǰavidan, Ger kauen] 1. to bite and grind or crush with the teeth; masticate ☆ 2. Slang to rebuke severely; reprimand: usually with out vi. 1. to chew… … English World dictionary
chew — ► VERB 1) bite and work (food) in the mouth to make it easier to swallow. 2) (chew over) discuss or consider at length. 3) (chew out) N. Amer. informal reprimand severely. ► NOUN 1) an instance of chewing. 2) … English terms dictionary
chew the cud — 1. (of cows, etc) to masticate for a second time food that has already been swallowed and partly digested in the first stomach 2. To ruminate in thought (also chew over) • • • Main Entry: ↑chew chew the cud (informal) To meditate, to reflect • •… … Useful english dictionary