- afrasian
- 1. [æfʹreıʒ(ə)n] n
афразиец, человек смешанного афро-азиатского происхождения2. [æfʹreıʒ(ə)n] a1. относящийся к Афразии2. смешанного афро-азиатского происхождения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Afrasian — noun a large family of related languages spoken both in Asia and Africa • Syn: ↑Afroasiatic, ↑Afro Asiatic, ↑Afroasiatic language, ↑Afrasian language, ↑Hamito Semitic • Hypernyms: ↑natural language, ↑tongue … Useful english dictionary
Afrasian language — noun a large family of related languages spoken both in Asia and Africa • Syn: ↑Afroasiatic, ↑Afro Asiatic, ↑Afroasiatic language, ↑Afrasian, ↑Hamito Semitic • Hypernyms: ↑natural language, ↑tongue … Useful english dictionary
Afrasian — /af ray zheuhn, sheuhn/, adj. 1. of Afrasia. 2. of mixed African and Asian descent. n. 3. the offspring of an African and an Asian. [AFRASI(A) + AN] * * * … Universalium
afrasian — af·ra·sian … English syllables
History of ancient Tunisia — The present day Republic of Tunisia, al Jumhuriyyah at Tunisiyyah , has over ten million citizens, almost all of Arab Berber descent. The Mediterranean Sea is to the north and east, Libya to the southeast, and Algeria to the west. Tunis is the… … Wikipedia
Afroasiatic languages — Afroasiatic Geographic distribution: Horn of Africa, North Africa, Sahel, and Middle East[1] Linguistic classification: One of the world s major language families Proto language … Wikipedia
History of early Tunisia — History of Tunisia ANCIENT HISTORY OF TUNISIA … Wikipedia
Afro-Asiatic languages — formerly Hamito Semitic languages Family of about 250 languages spoken in North Africa, parts of sub Saharan African, and the Middle East. It includes such languages as Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Hausa. The total number of speakers is estimated … Universalium
Afroasiatic Urheimat — The term Afroasiatic Urheimat refers to the place where Proto Afroasiatic speakers lived in a single linguistic community, or complex of communities, before this original language dispersed geographically and divided into distinct languages.… … Wikipedia
Afro-Asiatic languages — Infobox Language family name=Afro Asiatic region=Horn of Africa, North Africa, Southwest Asia familycolor=Afro Asiatic family=One of the World s major language families child1= Egyptian child2=Berber group child3=Chadic group child4=Cushitic… … Wikipedia
Милитарёв, Александр Юрьевич — Александр Юрьевич Милитарёв (род. 14 января 1943, Томск) российский филолог и лингвист, специалист в области семитского, берберо канарского и афразийского языкознания, а также библеистики; один из ведущих исследователей в области… … Википедия