Chequebook journalism — (or checkbook journalism in American English) is the form of journalism where the essential characteristic is that the journalist pays the subject of the work money for the right to publish his story. The phrase chequebook journalism is often… … Wikipedia
chequebook journalism — noun News, articles, etc based on information bought, usu at a high price • • • Main Entry: ↑cheque * * * chequebook journalism UK US noun [uncountable] the practice of paying people a lot of money for information that can be used in newspaper… … Useful english dictionary
chequebook journalism — n [U] BrE when newspapers get material for articles by paying people a lot of money for information about crimes or the private lives of famous people used to show disapproval … Dictionary of contemporary English
chequebook journalism — noun the payment of a large amount of money to acquire the exclusive right to publish a person s story in a newspaper … English new terms dictionary
chequebook journalism — noun (U) BrE low quality writing in newspapers that pay large amounts of money for details of famous people s private lives … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
chequebook journalism — UK / US noun [uncountable] the practice of paying people a lot of money for information that can be used in newspaper stories, especially about crime or famous people … English dictionary
chequebook journalism — /tʃɛkbʊk ˈdʒɜnəlɪzəm/ (say chekbook jernuhlizuhm) noun the practice of paying for the exclusive right to publish or broadcast a story, usually one of a personal or scandalous nature …
journalism — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ good ▪ professional ▪ hard hitting (esp. AmE), investigative, watchdog (AmE) ▪ popular, tabloid … Collocations dictionary
chequebook — noun Chequebook is used before these nouns: ↑journalism … Collocations dictionary
Mazher Mahmood — is an undercover reporter with The Sunday Times newspaper. He previously spent 20 years working for the defunct British tabloid newspaper News of the World.[1] He has been dubbed as Britain’s most notorious undercover reporter. [2] News of the… … Wikipedia
Press Council — established in 1953 by newspaper proprietors and journalists to prevent the government legislating to control the press by showing that it could responsibly self regulate, it still fundamentally fulfils this role. However, in order to satisfy… … Law dictionary