cheque card

cheque card
[ʹtʃekkɑ:d] фин.
дорожный чек (вид банковского аккредитива)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cheque card" в других словарях:

  • cheque card — cheque (guarantee) card noun A card issued by a bank to a client, guaranteeing payment of cheques up to a certain limit • • • Main Entry: ↑cheque * * * cheque card UK US noun [countable] [singular cheque card plural …   Useful english dictionary

  • cheque card — ➔ card * * * cheque card UK US UK (US check card) noun [C] (also cheque guarantee card, also banker s card) ► BANKING in the UK, a plastic card you show when you are paying for something by cheque to prove that your bank will pay the c …   Financial and business terms

  • cheque card — also .cheque guaran tee card n BrE a card given to you by your bank that you must show when you write a cheque, which promises that the bank will pay out the amount written on the cheque →↑cash card, check card ↑check card …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cheque card — cheque cards N COUNT In Britain, a cheque card or a cheque guarantee card is a small plastic card given to you by your bank and which you have to show when you are paying for something by cheque or when you are cashing a cheque at another bank.… …   English dictionary

  • cheque card — ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a card issued by a bank to guarantee the honouring of cheques up to a stated amount …   English terms dictionary

  • cheque card — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms cheque card : singular cheque card plural cheque cards a card given to you by your bank that you show when you write a cheque for someone …   English dictionary

  • cheque card — also cheque guarantee card noun (C) BrE a card given to you by your bank that you must show when you write a cheque, which promises that the bank will pay out the money written on the cheque compare cash card, credit card, debit card …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • cheque card — A plastic card issued by a retail bank to its customers to guarantee cheques drawn on the customer s current account up to a specified limit. The card carries the account number, the name of the customer, and has to be signed by the customer. The …   Accounting dictionary

  • cheque card — A plastic card issued by a retail bank to its customers to guarantee cheques drawn on the customer s current account up to a specified limit. The card carries the account number, the name of the customer, and has to be signed by the customer. The …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • cheque card — / tʃek kɑ:d/, cheque guarantee card /ˌtʃek gærən ti: kɑ:d/ noun a plastic card from a bank which guarantees payment of a cheque up to a certain amount, even if the user has no money in his account …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • ˈcheque ˌcard — noun [C] a card from your bank that you show in a shop when you write a cheque …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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