Смотреть что такое "cheironomy" в других словарях:
Cheironomy — (or Chironomy) is the use of hand signals to direct vocal music performance. Whereas in modern conducting the notes are already specified in a written score, in cheironomy the hand signs indicate melodic curves and ornaments. History Early music… … Wikipedia
cheironomy — variant of chironomy … Useful english dictionary
Conducting — For other uses, see Conduct (disambiguation) and Conductor (disambiguation). A conductor conducting at a ceremony … Wikipedia
Хормейстер — (от хор и нем. Meister мастер, начальник; нем. эквивалент Chorleiter) руководитель хора, хоровой дирижёр. Хормейстер управляет (дирижирует) хором при разучивании новых и репетировании и исполнении новых и старых хоровых партий.… … Википедия
Cantillation — is the ritual chanting of readings from the Bible in synagogue services.The chants are rendered in accordance with the special signs or marks printed in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible (or Tanakh) to complement the letters and vowel points … Wikipedia
Cherology — Not to be confused with Cheironomy or musical gestures. Cherology and chereme, sometimes chireme, (from Ancient Greek: χείρ hand ) are synonyms of phonology and phoneme previously used in the study of sign languages. A chereme, as the basic unit… … Wikipedia
Hans Hickmann — Hans Robert Hermann Hickmann (b. Roßlau, Germany, May 19, 1908; d. Blandford Forum, England, September 4, 1968) was an eminent German musicologist. He lived in Egypt and specialized in the music and organology of Ancient Egypt, and survivals… … Wikipedia
chi|ron|o|my — «ky RON uh mee», noun. the art of indicating a melody to a choir by hand motions, used in directing Gregorian chant. Also, cheironomy. ╂[< Greek cheironómos pantomimist < cheír, os hand + nómos (related to némein manage)] … Useful english dictionary