
I [tʃi:k] n
1. щека

with rosy cheeks - розовощёкий, румяный

to turn the other cheek - а) библ. подставить другую щёку (под удар); б) занимать непротивленческую позицию

2. 1) спец. боковая стойка; косяк
2) pl тех. щёки тисков
3) геол. бок жилы
4) мор. чикса (на мачте)

cheek by jowl - рядом; бок о бок; интимно; запросто

to one's own cheek - для себя одного; в свой карман

1. [tʃi:k] n
1) наглость; нахальство

to have the cheek to say smth. - иметь наглость сказать что-л.

the cheek! - какая наглость!

to give cheek - дерзить, грубить; огрызаться

I'll have none of your cheek - я не потерплю такого нахальства

2) самоуверенность, дерзость; развязность

cheek brings success - посл. нахальством всего добьёшься

2. [tʃi:k] v
вести себя нагло, нахально; нахальничать; говорить дерзости

he cheeked me - он мне надерзил

II [tʃi:k] = chick2

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Смотреть что такое "cheek" в других словарях:

  • Cheek'd — Cheek’d is a dating and social networking website based in New York City. It was founded in 2010 by Lori Cheek. Each Cheek d card includes a quip , web address, and online code. To be a part of the cheek d network you can sign up through the… …   Wikipedia

  • Cheek — (ch[=e]k), n. [OE. cheke, cheoke, AS. ce[ a]ce, ce[ o]ce; cf. Goth. kukjan to kiss, D. kaak cheek; perh. akin to E. chew, jaw.] 1. The side of the face below the eye. [1913 Webster] 2. The cheek bone. [Obs.] Caucer. [1913 Webster] 3. pl. (Mech.)… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cheek — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Chris Cheek (* 1968), US amerikanischer Jazz Saxofonist James Richard Cheek, US amerikanischer Diplomat Joey Cheek (* 1979), US amerikanischer Eisschnellläufer Tom Cheek (1939–2005), US amerikanischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cheek — (n.) O.E. ceace, cece jaw, jawbone, also the fleshy wall of the mouth. Perhaps from the root of O.E. ceowan chew (see CHEW (Cf. chew)), or from P.Gmc. *kaukon (Cf. M.L.G. kake jaw, jawbone, M.Du. kake jaw, Du. kaak) …   Etymology dictionary

  • cheek — cheek; cheek·er; cheek·i·ly; cheek·i·ness; cheek·less; …   English syllables

  • cheek — ► NOUN 1) either side of the face below the eye. 2) either of the buttocks. 3) impertinence; audacity. ► VERB ▪ speak impertinently to. ● cheek by jowl Cf. ↑cheek by jowl …   English terms dictionary

  • cheek´i|ly — cheek|y «CHEE kee», adjective, cheek|i|er, cheek|i|est. 1. Informal. saucy; impudent; audacious: »A gentleman as rich as Croesus …   Useful english dictionary

  • cheek|y — «CHEE kee», adjective, cheek|i|er, cheek|i|est. 1. Informal. saucy; impudent; audacious: »A gentleman as rich as Croesus …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cheek — (ch[=e]k), v. t. To be impudent or saucy to. [Slang.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cheek — [n1] side of human face chop*, choppers*, gill, jowl; concept 418 cheek [n2] audacity, boldness brashness, brass*, brazenness, chutzpah*, confidence, disrespect, effrontery, gall, impertinence, impudence, insolence, lip*, nerve*, presumption,… …   New thesaurus

  • cheek — [chēk] n. [ME cheke < OE ceoke, jaw, jawbone; akin to Du kaak, LowG kâke, jaw (only WGmc)] 1. either side of the face between the nose and ear, below the eye 2. either of two sides of a thing, as the sides of a door jamb or the jaws of a vise… …   English World dictionary

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