- cheddar
- [ʹtʃedə] n
чеддер (сорт сыра; тж. Cheddar cheese)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cheddar — [ ʃedar ] n. m. • 1895; mot angl., n. d un village ♦ Fromage anglais de lait de vache, à pâte pressée non cuite, blanc jaune de chair et de croûte. ● cheddar nom masculin (de Cheddar, nom propre) Gros fromage anglais et américain à pâte dure et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cheddar — hat folgende Bedeutungen: ein englischer Käse; siehe Cheddar (Käse) ein Dorf in der Grafschaft Somerset, siehe Cheddar (Somerset) Siehe auch Cheddar Valley Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cheddar — Ched dar, a. Of or pertaining to, or made at, Cheddar, in England; as, Cheddar cheese. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cheddar — CEDÁR/ s. n. brânză engleză şi americană, pe bază de lapte de vacă şi ulei de bumbac, porumb, cocos sau soia, cu pastă dură şi colorată. (< fr., engl. cheddar) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
cheddar — 1660s (but the cheese presumably was made long before that), from Cheddar, village in Somerset, England, where it originally was made, from O.E. Ceodre (c.880), probably from ceodor ravine (there is a nearby gorge) … Etymology dictionary
Cheddar — ► NOUN ▪ a kind of firm smooth cheese originally made in Cheddar in SW England … English terms dictionary
Cheddar — (tschédder), Dorf in Somersetshire (England), am Fuß der Mendip Hills (s.d.), die hier hohe Kalksteinfelsen (C. Cliffs) bilden, mit zwei Tropfsteinhöhlen und berühmter Käsefabrikation … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Cheddar — This article is about the settlement in Somerset, England. For the cheese, see Cheddar cheese. For other uses, see Cheddar (disambiguation). Coordinates … Wikipedia
Cheddar — Este artículo trata sobre una localidad de Somerset (Inglaterra). Para el tipo de queso oriundo de ella, véase queso cheddar. Vista de Cheddar desde el depósito de agua. Cheddar es un gran pueblo y parroquia civil en el distrito de Sedgemoor del… … Wikipedia Español
Cheddar — 51° 16′ 43″ N 2° 46′ 40″ W / 51.2785, 2.7777 Cheddar (en anglais … Wikipédia en Français
cheddar — cheddary, adj. /ched euhr/, n. (often cap.) a hard, smooth textured cheese, made usually from the whole milk of cows and varying in color from white to deep yellow and in flavor from mild to sharp as it ages. Also called cheddar cheese. [1655 65; … Universalium