
1. [əʹfləʋt] a predic
1. плавающий на поверхности воды; плывущий по течению

to be afloat - плыть, плавать

2. (находящийся) в ходу, в движении; в полном разгаре

rumours are afloat - ходят слухи

3. покрытый, залитый водой

decks are afloat - палубы залиты /затоплены/ водой

4. мор. (находящийся) на службе в военном флоте
2. [əʹfləʋt] adv
1. 1) на воде, на море; на поверхности (воды)

to keep afloat - держаться на поверхности, не тонуть [ср. тж. 4]

to bring /to get/ smth. afloat - а) снять с мели; б) пустить в ход

2) в плавании

life afloat - жизнь на море, жизнь моряка

how long did you spend afloat? - как долго вы были в плавании?

3) мор. на плаву

the ship was set afloat - судно было спущено на воду

2. на борту, на борт (судна)

cargo afloat and ashore - груз на борту и на берегу

3. в действии, в деле; на ходу

to get a new periodical afloat - начать издание нового журнала

4. при деньгах, не на мели

lend me some money to keep me afloat - одолжи мне денег, а то я на мели /чтобы я мог перебиться/ [ср. тж. 1]

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "afloat" в других словарях:

  • afloat — a‧float [əˈfləʊt ǁ əˈfloʊt] adjective COMMERCE having enough money to operate or stay out of debt: • Matthew has been selling key assets just to keep the business afloat. • The company needs a cash injection of around £3 million to stay afloat. * …   Financial and business terms

  • Afloat — A*float ([.a]*fl[=o]t ), adv. & a. [Pref. a + float.] 1. Borne on the water; floating; on board ship. [1913 Webster] On such a full sea are we now afloat. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Moving; passing from place to place; in general circulation; as, a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • afloat — [ə flōt′] adj., adv. 1. floating freely; not grounded; esp., floating on the surface; not sinking 2. on board ship; at sea 3. flooded [the lower deck is afloat] 4. drifting about 5. in circulation; current [rumors are afloat] …   English World dictionary

  • afloat — index unsettled Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • afloat — (adj.) O.E. aflote, on flot, from a on (see A (Cf. a ) (1)) + FLOAT (Cf. float) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • afloat — ► ADJECTIVE & ADVERB 1) floating in water. 2) on board a ship or boat. 3) out of debt or difficulty …   English terms dictionary

  • afloat — a|float [əˈfləut US əˈflout] adj [not before noun] [: Old English; Origin: on flot on the sea ] 1.) having enough money to operate or stay out of debt keep (sb/sth) afloat/stay afloat ▪ The Treasury borrowed £40 billion, just to stay afloat. 2.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • afloat — [[t]əflo͟ʊt[/t]] 1) ADV: usu ADV after v, also v link ADV, n ADV If someone or something is afloat, they remain partly above the surface of water and do not sink. They talked modestly of their valiant efforts to keep the tanker afloat... Three… …   English dictionary

  • afloat — /əˈfloʊt / (say uh floht) adjective 1. borne on the water; in a floating condition: *Even a billy can or ladies bathing cap will supply sufficient buoyancy to keep a person afloat. –anon, water safety, 1955. 2. flooded: the main deck was afloat.… …  

  • afloat — /euh floht /, adv., adj. 1. floating or borne on the water; in a floating condition: The ship was set afloat. 2. on board a ship, boat, raft, etc.; at sea: cargo afloat and ashore. 3. covered with water; flooded; awash: The main deck was afloat.… …   Universalium

  • afloat — adj. 1 floating on water VERBS ▪ be ▪ keep, remain, stay ▪ set sth ▪ The children set their new boat afloat on the lake …   Collocations dictionary

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