- chasmal
- [ʹkæzməl] a
глубокий, бездонный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
chasmal — See chasm. * * * … Universalium
chasmal — adj. abysmal, deep, bottomless … English contemporary dictionary
chasmal — chas·mal … English syllables
chasmal — ˈkazməl adjective : resembling a chasm … Useful english dictionary
chasm — chasmal, chasmic, adj. chasmed, adj. chasmy, adj. /kaz euhm/, n. 1. a yawning fissure or deep cleft in the earth s surface; gorge. 2. a breach or wide fissure in a wall or other structure. 3. a marked interruption of continuity; gap: a chasm in… … Universalium
chas|mic — «KAZ mihk», adjective. = chasmal. (Cf. ↑chasmal) … Useful english dictionary
Dämon — (gr., lat. Genius), 1) Gott, Gottheit, göttliches Wesen; 2) Seelen der Menschen aus dem goldenen Zeitalter, die in Luft gehüllt als Schutzgötter der Menschen auf Erden weilen; wogegen den griechischen Philosophen Dämonen die Seelen der… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
chasm — /ˈkæzəm / (say kazuhm) noun 1. a yawning fissure or deep cleft in the earth s surface; a gorge. 2. a breach or wide fissure in a wall or other structure. 3. a marked interruption of continuity; gap. 4. a sundering breach in relations: the chasm… …
cavernous — [adj] hollow and large alveolate, broad, chambered, chasmal, commodious, concave, curved inward, deep, deep set, echoing, gaping, huge, resonant, reverberant, roomy, sepulchral, socketed, spacious, sunken, vast, wide, yawning; concepts… … New thesaurus
gaping — [adj] wide open broad, cavernous, chasmal, great, vast, yawning; concepts 485,490 Ant. closed, shut … New thesaurus
chasm — [kaz′əm] n. [L & Gr chasma, yawning hollow, gulf < Gr chainein, to YAWN] 1. a deep crack in the earth s surface; abyss 2. any break or gap 3. a wide divergence of feelings, sentiments, interests, etc.; rift chasmal [kaz′məl] adj. chasmic… … English World dictionary