- chariotry
- [ʹtʃærıətrı] n собир. употр. с гл. во мн. ч. ист.
воины на боевых колесницах
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
chariotry — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ətrē noun ( es) : the part of a military force that fights from chariots the Egyptian chariotry … Useful english dictionary
Chariotry in ancient Egypt — In ancient Egyptian society, chariotry stands as an independent unit in the King’s military force. Chariots were first introduced as a weapon in Egypt by the Hyksos.[1] The Egyptians developed their own design of the chariot. Design Chariots were … Wikipedia
chariotry — char·i·ot·ry … English syllables
Military of ancient Egypt — History of Egypt This article is part of a series Prehistory Ancient Egypt Earl … Wikipedia
Mursili II — Other names Mursilis II Title King of the Hittites Predecessor Arnuwanda II Successor Muwatalli II Religion … Wikipedia
Military history of Ancient Egypt — The Ancient Egyptians were a people who lived in northeastern Africa from about 3150 BC to 31 BC The civilization stretched from the Nile Delta to Jebel Barkal, a mountain in Nubia. Historians divide Egyptian history into to three periods: the… … Wikipedia
CART AND CHARIOT — CART AND CHARIOT, primary forms of land transport in the ancient world. The chariot (Heb. מֶרְכָּבָה ,רֶכֶב, the latter mostly collective, Chariotry ) was used in battle, in hunting, and in ceremonies; the cart served to transport freight, people … Encyclopedia of Judaism
HURRIAN — The term Hurrian denotes a language of the ancient Near East and the people who spoke it. The core area inhabited by Hurrian speaking people was the region of the upper Ñabur and Tigris Rivers, together with the piedmont beyond, extending into… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Chariot — For other uses, see Chariot (disambiguation). A fountain in Madrid depicting Cybele in her chariot drawn by lions, in the Plaza de Cibeles … Wikipedia
Battle of Kadesh — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Kadesh caption=Ramesses atop chariot, at the battle of Kadesh. (Relief inside his Abu Simbel temple.) partof=the Egyptian Hittite wars date= 1274 BC [Lorna Oakes, Pyramids, Temples Tombs of Ancient… … Wikipedia
Assyrisches Reich — Der alte Orient um 1220 v. Chr. Das assyrische Reich existierte etwa 1000 Jahre, vom 18. Jahrhundert v. Chr. bis zu seiner Vernichtung um 609 v. Chr. Es ist von der Forschung in drei Perioden eingeteilt worden: das alt ,… … Deutsch Wikipedia