- change off
- [ʹtʃeındʒʹɒf] phr v амер.
подменять друг друга, быть дублёрами (эстрадного номера)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
change off — {v.}, {informal} To take turns doing something; alternate. * /John and Bill changed off at riding the bicycle./ * /Bob painted one patch of wall and then he changed off with Tom./ … Dictionary of American idioms
change off — {v.}, {informal} To take turns doing something; alternate. * /John and Bill changed off at riding the bicycle./ * /Bob painted one patch of wall and then he changed off with Tom./ … Dictionary of American idioms
change\ off — v informal To take turns doing something; alternate. John and Bill changed off at riding the bicycle. Bob painted one patch of wall and then he changed off with Tom … Словарь американских идиом
change off — intransitive verb Date: 1873 1. to alternate with another at doing an act 2. to alternate between two different acts or instruments or between an action and a rest period … New Collegiate Dictionary
change off — intransitive verb 1. : to alternate with another at performing an act 2. : to alternate between two different acts or instruments or between an action and a rest period * * * take turns … Useful english dictionary
Change (Every Little Thing album) — Change Studio album by Every Little Thing Released March 24, 2010 … Wikipedia
change — [chānj] vt. changed, changing [ME changen < OFr changier < LL cambiare < L cambire, to exchange, barter < Celt (as in OIr camb) < IE base * kamb , to bend, crook (> Welsh cam, Bret kamm, crooked)] 1. to put or take (a thing) in… … English World dictionary
change — changedness /chayn jid nis, chaynjd /, n. /chaynj/, v., changed, changing, n. v.t. 1. to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one s name;… … Universalium
change — [[t]tʃeɪndʒ[/t]] v. changed, chang•ing, n. 1) to make different in form: to change one s name[/ex] 2) to transform (usu. fol. by into): The witch changed the prince into a toad[/ex] 3) to exchange for another or others: to change shoes[/ex] 4) to … From formal English to slang
Change 123 — Cover of Change 123 volume 1 as published Akita Shoten ちぇんじ123 (Chenji Hi Fu Mi) … Wikipedia
Change Giver — Studio album by Shed Seven Released September 5, 1994 … Wikipedia