- chandlery
- [ʹtʃɑ:ndlərı] n
1. свечной склад2. тж. pl мелочной товар; бакалея
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Chandlery — Chan dler*y, n. Commodities sold by a chandler. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chandlery — (n.) c.1600, from O.Fr. chandelerie, from chandelier (see CHANDLER (Cf. chandler)) … Etymology dictionary
chandlery — [chand′lər ē] n. pl. chandleries 1. a warehouse or storeroom for candles and other small wares 2. the merchandise, business, or warehouse of a chandler … English World dictionary
Chandlery — A chandlery was originally the office in a medieval household responsible for wax and candles, as well as the room in which the candles were kept. It was headed by a chandler. The office was subordinated to the kitchen, and only existed as a… … Wikipedia
chandlery — chandler ► NOUN 1) (also ship chandler) a dealer in supplies and equipment for ships. 2) historical a dealer in household items such as oil and groceries. DERIVATIVES chandlery noun. ORIGIN originally denoting a candlemaker or candle seller: from … English terms dictionary
chandlery — noun (plural dleries) Date: 15th century 1. a place where candles are kept 2. the business or shop of a chandler 3. the commodities sold by a chandler … New Collegiate Dictionary
chandlery — /chand leuh ree, chahnd /, n., pl. chandleries. 1. a storeroom for candles. 2. the warehouse, wares, or business of a chandler. [1595 1605; CHANDLER + Y3] * * * … Universalium
chandlery — noun a) The art of candle making b) A business or shop for candle making … Wiktionary
chandlery — n. candle storeroom; candlemaker s workshop … English contemporary dictionary
chandlery — chan·dlery … English syllables
chandlery — chan•dler•y [[t]ˈtʃænd lə ri, ˈtʃɑnd [/t]] n. pl. dler•ies 1) a storeroom for candles 2) the business or wares of a chandler • Etymology: 1595–1605 … From formal English to slang