- challah
- [ʹkɑ:lə] n кул.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Challah — sprinkled with sesame seeds Challah (also ḥallah plural: challot/ḥalloth/khallos) (Hebrew: חלה) also [1] khale (eastern Yiddish),(German and western Yiddish), berches (Swabian), barkis ( … Wikipedia
Challah — (hebr.), das Erste vom Teig, welches als Teruma gegeben wurde; zum Andenken daran verbrennen die Juden noch heute ein Stückchen Teig vom Brode … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
challah — (n.) from Yiddish khale, from Hebrew chala loaf of bread … Etymology dictionary
challah — [khä′lə] n. [Yiddish khale < Heb chala, loaf of bread] the traditional loaf of rich white bread, usually braided or twisted, eaten by Jews on the Sabbath and holidays … English World dictionary
Challah cover — Two homemade challahs placed on cutting board covered by an embroidered challah cover A challah cover is a special cloth used to cover the two braided loaves (challah) set out on the table at the beginning of a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal. While its… … Wikipedia
challah — also challa or hallah noun Etymology: Yiddish khale, from Hebrew ḥallāh Date: 1907 egg rich yeast leavened bread that is usually braided or twisted before baking and is traditionally eaten by Jews on the Sabbath and holidays … New Collegiate Dictionary
Challah — Das Wort Challa/חלה (Pl. Challot) kommt aus dem Hebräischen und findet sich im 4. Buch Mose 15,20, wo die Erstlingsopfer beschrieben sind. Hier heißt es, dass auch vom Teig ein solches zu bringen ist. Hierzu wurde ein Teil des Brotteiges vor dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
challah — /khah leuh, hah /, n. a loaf of rich white bread leavened with yeast and containing eggs, often braided before baking, prepared esp. for the Jewish Sabbath. Also, challeh, hallah. [ < Heb hallah] * * * … Universalium
challah — noun A traditional braided bread eaten by Ashkenazi Jews on the Sabbath … Wiktionary
challah — (or chalah or hallah). Type of Jewish bread … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
challah — n. hallah, braided bread which is often sprinkled with poppy or sesame seeds (traditionally served during the Jewish Sabbath) … English contemporary dictionary