Смотреть что такое "afflation" в других словарях:
afflation — ⇒AFFLATION, subst. fém. Néol. d aut. Souffle du vent : • Ceci ne veut pas dire, certes, que les zones venteuses n existent pas. Rien n est plus démontré que ces afflations à courants continus, et un jour la navigation aérienne, servie par les air … Encyclopédie Universelle
Afflation — Af*fla tion, n. [L. afflatus, p. p. of afflare to blow or breathe on; ad + flare to blow.] A blowing or breathing on; inspiration. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Afflation — Af|fla|ti|on* die; , en <zu lat. afflatus, Part. Perf. von afflare »anwehen, hauchen«, u. 1↑...ion> (veraltet) das Anhauchen … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
afflation — af·fla·tion … English syllables
afflation — āshən noun ( s) Etymology: Latin afflatus + English ion : a breathing into : inspiration … Useful english dictionary
Afflatus — Af*fla tus, n. [L., fr. afflare. See {Afflation}.] 1. A breath or blast of wind. [1913 Webster] 2. A divine impartation of knowledge; supernatural impulse; inspiration. [1913 Webster] A poet writing against his genius will be like a prophet… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
List of Star Wars planets (T-V) — TaanabIt was at Taanab that Lando Calrissian demonstrated not only his ability to lead but also his knack for devising winning tactics. Lando managed to destroy the attacking space pirates, a feat which later led him to be placed in command of… … Wikipedia
Wind — (Roget s Thesaurus) >Air in motion. < N PARAG:Wind >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 wind wind draught flatus afflatus efflation eluvium Sgm: N 1 air air Sgm: N 1 breath breath breath of air Sgm … English dictionary for students
afflatus — /əˈfleɪtəs/ (say uh flaytuhs) noun 1. inspiration; an impelling mental force acting from within. 2. divine communication of knowledge. Also, afflation. {Latin: afflātus a blast} …
afflatus — n. divine breath; inspiration. ♦ afflation, n. act of breathing upon; inspiration … Dictionary of difficult words