- cerulean
- 1. [sıʹru:lıən] n
1. поэт. небесно-голубой цвет; лазурь2. шутл. синий чулок (о женщине)2. [sıʹru:lıən] a поэт.небесно-голубой, лазурный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cerulean — Ce*ru le*an, a. [L. caeruleus.] Sky colored; blue; azure. Cowper. [1913 Webster] Blue, blue, as if that sky let fall [1913 Webster] A flower from its cerulean wall. Bryant. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cerulean — 1660s, from L. caeruleus blue, dark blue, blue green, perhaps dissimilated from caelulum, dim. of caelum heaven, sky, of uncertain origin (see CELESTIAL (Cf. celestial)). The Latin word was applied by Roman authors to the sky, the Mediterranean,… … Etymology dictionary
cerulean — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ deep blue in colour like a clear sky. ORIGIN Latin caeruleus, from caelum sky … English terms dictionary
cerulean — [sə ro͞o′lē ən] adj. [L caeruleus; prob. < caelulum, dim. of caelum, heaven: for IE base see CESIUM] sky blue; azure … English World dictionary
Cerulean — For other uses, see Cerulean (disambiguation). Cerulean, also spelled caerulean, may be applied to a range of colors from deep blue, sky blue, bright blue or azure color through greenish blue colors. The first recorded use of cerulean as a color… … Wikipedia
cerulean — adj. Cerulean is used with these nouns: ↑blue, ↑sky … Collocations dictionary
cerulean — ce|ru|le|an [sıˈru:liən] n also ce.rulean blue [U] literary [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: caeruleus dark blue , probably from caelum; CELESTIAL] a deep blue colour like a clear sky >cerulean adj … Dictionary of contemporary English
Cerulean Warbler — Conservation status Vulnerable ( … Wikipedia
Cerulean Sins — … Wikipedia
Cerulean (disambiguation) — Cerulean is a shade of blue. Cerulean may also refer to: Birds Cerulean capped Manakin Cerulean Cuckoo shrike Caerulean Paradise flycatcher Cerulean Warbler Other uses Cerulean, Kentucky, a small town in the United States Cerulean Sins (novel), a … Wikipedia
Cerulean (Kentucky) — Cerulean Lugar designado por el censo de los Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español