- cerebrum
- [ʹserıbrəm,səʹri:brəm] n (pl тж. -ra) анат.
головной мозг
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cerebrum — steht für: Telencephalon Cerebrum (Foraminiferen), eine Gattung der Foraminiferen (lat.) Gehirn Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
cerebrum — 1610s, from L. cerebrum brain (see CEREBRAL (Cf. cerebral)) … Etymology dictionary
Cerebrum — Cer e*brum, n.; pl. E. {Cerebrums}, L. {Cerebra}. [L., the brain.] (Anat.) The anterior, and in man the larger, division of the brain; the seat of the reasoning faculties and the will. See {Brain}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cerĕbrum — (lat.), das Gehirn (s.d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
cerebrum — ► NOUN (pl. cerebra) Anatomy ▪ the principal part of the brain, located in the front area of the skull. ORIGIN Latin, brain … English terms dictionary
cerebrum — [ser′ə brəm, sə rē′brəm] n. pl. cerebrums or cerebra [ser′əbrə] [L: see CEREBELLUM] the upper, main part of the brain of vertebrate animals, consisting of left and right hemispheres: in humans it is the largest part of the brain and is believed… … English World dictionary
Cerebrum — Brain: Cerebrum Diagram depicting the main subdivisions of the embryonic vertebrate brain. Artery anterior cerebral, middle cerebral, poster … Wikipedia
Cerebrum — The largest part of the brain. It is divided into two hemispheres, or halves. The word cerebrum is the Latin word for brain. The Romans used the same word to refer to the skull (which houses the brain) and the head (which houses the skull). And… … Medical dictionary
cerebrum — /seuh ree breuhm, ser euh /, n., pl. cerebrums, cerebra / breuh/. Anat., Zool. 1. the anterior and largest part of the brain, consisting of two halves or hemispheres and serving to control voluntary movements and coordinate mental actions. 2. the … Universalium
Cerebrum — Ce|re|brum auch: Ce|reb|rum 〈n.; s, re|bra〉 = Zerebrum * * * Ce|re|b|rum: ↑ Zerebrum. * * * I Cerebrum, Gehirn. II C … Universal-Lexikon
cerebrum — UK [səˈriːbrəm] / US [səˈrɪbrəm] noun [countable] Word forms cerebrum : singular cerebrum plural cerebrums medical the front part of your brain that controls thinking, learning, and feeling. It is divided into two halves called cerebral… … English dictionary