
[ʹsentəpi:s] n
1. орнаментальная ваза в центре стола (обеденного)
2. орнамент на середине (потолка и т. п.)
3. 1) главный, основной предмет коллекции и т. п.

the centrepiece of the exhibition - главный экспонат выставки

the centrepiece for the plan - основная мысль плана

2) главное украшение; главный эффект

the centrepiece of a concert - гвоздь концерта

4. тех. крестовина

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "centrepiece" в других словарях:

  • centrepiece — n. same as {centerpiece}. Syn: centerpiece. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • centrepiece — (US centerpiece) ► NOUN ▪ the most important item in a display …   English terms dictionary

  • Centrepiece — A centrepiece (or centerpiece) is the most important item of a display, usually of a table setting. [citeweb|url=http://www.askoxford.com/results/?view=dev dict field 12668446=centrepiece branch=13842570 textsearchtype=exact… …   Wikipedia

  • centrepiece — UK [ˈsentə(r)ˌpiːs] / US [ˈsentərˌpɪs] noun [countable] Word forms centrepiece : singular centrepiece plural centrepieces a) the most important object or decoration in a particular place This Picasso painting will be the centrepiece when the… …   English dictionary

  • centrepiece — [[t]se̱ntə(r)piːs[/t]] centrepieces (in AM, use centerpiece) 1) N COUNT: usu N of n The centrepiece of a number of things is the one that you show as the best or most interesting. This year the centrepiece of the Festival will be its presentation …   English dictionary

  • centrepiece — cen|tre|piece BrE centerpiece AmE [ˈsentəpi:s US ər ] n 1.) [singular] the most important, noticeable, or attractive part of something centrepiece of ▪ The centrepiece of Bevan s policy was the National Health Service. 2.) a decoration,… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Centrepiece — Centerpiece Cen ter*piece , Centrepiece Cen tre*piece , n. 1. An ornament to be placed in the center, as of a table, ceiling, atc.; a central article or figure. [1913 Webster] 2. the central or most important feature of an activity, plan, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • centrepiece — BrE, centerpiece AmE noun (C) 1 a decoration, especially an arrangement of flowers in the middle of a table 2 (singular) the most important, noticeable or attractive part of something (+ of): The centrepiece of Bevan s policy was the National… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • centrepiece — [ˈsentəˌpiːs] noun [C] 1) the most important feature of something The president s speech was the centrepiece of the event.[/ex] 2) a decoration or arrangement of flowers that you put in the middle of a table …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • centrepiece — noun a) An ornament to be placed in the centre, as of a table, ceiling, etc. b) A central article or figure …   Wiktionary

  • centrepiece — n. decoration placed in the center (of a table, etc.); most important or central thing …   English contemporary dictionary

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