- celandine
- [ʹseləndaın] n бот.
1. 1) чистотел (Chelidonium gen.)2) чистотел большой (Chelidonium majus)2. бальзамин (Impatiens gen.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Celandine — is a common name for three species of flowers: *Greater celandine, Chelidonium majus , in the poppy family *Lesser celandine, Ranunculus ficaria , in the buttercup family *Celandine poppy, Stylophorum diphyllum , in the poppy family … Wikipedia
Celandine — Cel an*dine (s[e^]l [a^]n*d[imac]n), n. [OE. celidoine, OF. celidoine, F. ch[ e]lidoine, fr. L. chelidonia (sc. herba), fr. chelidonius pertaining to the swallow, Gr. chelido nios, fr. chelidw n the swallow, akin to L. hirundo a swallow.] (Bot.)… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
celandine — ► NOUN 1) (also lesser celandine) a common yellow flowered plant of the buttercup family. 2) (greater celandine) a yellow flowered plant of the poppy family, with toxic sap. ORIGIN from Greek khelid n swallow (the flowering of the plant being… … English terms dictionary
celandine — or lesser celandine [sel′ən dīn΄, sel′əndēn΄, sel′əndin] n. [ME & OFr celidoine < ML celidonia < L chelidonia < Gr chelidonion, swallowwort < chelidōn, a swallow < IE echoic base * ghel > YELL] 1. a weedy plant (Chelidonium… … English World dictionary
celandine — /sel euhn duyn , deen /, n. 1. Also called greater celandine, swallowwort. an Old World plant, Chelidonium majus, of the poppy family, having yellow flowers. 2. Also called lesser celandine. an Old World plant, Ranunculus ficaria, of the… … Universalium
celandine — [ sɛləndʌɪn] noun 1》 (also lesser celandine) a common plant of the buttercup family, which produces yellow flowers in the early spring. [Ranunculus ficaria.] 2》 (greater celandine) a yellow flowered plant of the poppy family, with toxic sap.… … English new terms dictionary
celandine — /ˈsɛləndaɪn/ (say seluhnduyn) noun 1. a plant, of Europe and western Asia, Chelidonium majus (greater celandine), family Papaveraceae, with yellow flowers in loose few flowered umbels; swallow wort. 2. a European buttercup, Ranunculus ficaria… …
celandine — didžioji ugniažolė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Aguoninių šeimos dekoratyvinis, vaistinis nuodingas augalas (Chelidonium majus), paplitęs šiaurės Afrikoje, Europoje ir Azijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Chelidonium majus angl. celandine; great… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
celandine — n. either of two yellow flowered plants, the greater celandine, Chelidonium majus, and the lesser celandine, Ranunculus ficaria. Etymology: ME and OF celidoine ult. f. Gk khelidon swallow: the flowering of the plant was associated with the… … Useful english dictionary
celandine — noun Etymology: Middle English celidoine, from Anglo French, from Latin chelidonia, from feminine of chelidonius of the swallow, from Greek chelidonios, from chelidon , chelidōn swallow Date: 12th century 1. a yellow flowered Eurasian biennial… … New Collegiate Dictionary
celandine — noun a) Either of two unrelated flowering plants b) The greater celandine … Wiktionary