
[əʹfeə] n
1. дело

it is an affair of a few days - это вопрос /дело/ нескольких дней

private affair - личное дело

it is not your affair - это не твоё дело, это не твоя забота

mind your own affairs - разг. не суйся не в своё дело; занимайся своими делами

an affair of honour - дело чести (особ. о поединке)

2. pl дела, занятия

man of affairs - деловой человек

foreign affairs - иностранные /внешние/ дела

internal /domestic/ affairs - внутренние дела

affairs of state - государственные дела

Ministry of Home [Foreign] Affairs - министерство внутренних [иностранных] дел

to put one's affairs in order - привести дела в порядок

3. роман, связь, любовная история

to have an affair with smb. - вступить в любовную связь с кем-л.; ≅ у него /у неё/ роман

4. разг. событие; история; штука

the concert [the reception] was a nice affair - это был хороший концерт [приём]

this house is a ramshackle affair - этот дом совсем разваливается

the meeting was a noisy affair - собрание прошло очень шумно

what is this affair you've got on your head? - что это за штука у тебя на голове?

5. воен. стычка, дело
6. амер. разг. торжественный приём, празднество, церемония и т. п.

that was quite an affair - всё было очень торжественно /парадно/

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "affair" в других словарях:

  • Affair — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Affair, relación amorosa casual, sin mayor importancia para sus participantes, la cual se centra en la seducción y entrega de placer. Contenido 1 ¿Por qué se provoca? 2 Etimología 3 Historia …   Wikipedia Español

  • affair — 1 Affair, business, concern, matter, thing come into comparison only when they are little more than vague or general terms meaning something done or dealt with. Some or rarely all are used interchangeably in certain similar collocations such as… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Affair — Af*fair ([a^]f*f[^a]r ), n. [OE. afere, affere, OF. afaire, F. affaire, fr. a faire to do; L.. ad + facere to do. See {Fact}, and cf. {Ado}.] 1. That which is done or is to be done; matter; concern; as, a difficult affair to manage; business of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • affair — (n.) c.1300, what one has to do, from Anglo French afere, O.Fr. afaire (12c., Mod.Fr. affaire) business, event; rank, estate, from the infinitive phrase à faire to do, from L. ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + facere to do, make (see FACTITIOUS …   Etymology dictionary

  • affair — [n1] matter or business to be taken care of; happening activity assignment, avocation, calling, case, circumstance, concern, duty, employment, episode, event, hap, happening, incident, interest, job, mission, obligation, occupation, occurrence,… …   New thesaurus

  • affair — ► NOUN 1) an event of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to. 2) a matter that is a particular person s responsibility. 3) a love affair. 4) (affairs) matters of public interest and importance. ORIGIN from Old French à faire to… …   English terms dictionary

  • affair — [ə fer′] n. [ME afere < OFr afaire < a faire, to do < L ad , to + facere, DO1] 1. a thing to be done; business 2. [pl.] matters of business or concern 3. any matter, occurrence, or thing 4. a social function or gathering …   English World dictionary

  • affair — I noun activity, adventure, avocation, circumstance, duty, employment, enterprise, event, function, happening, incident, interest, matter, occasion, occupation, occurrence, profession, pursuit, subject, transaction, undertaking, work II index… …   Law dictionary

  • Affair — Part of a series on Love …   Wikipedia

  • affair — noun 1 event/situation ADJECTIVE ▪ whole ▪ She saw the whole affair as a great joke. ▪ glittering, grand ▪ I knew that the wedding would be a grand affair. ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • affair — [[t]əfe͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦♦ affairs 1) N SING: the N If an event or a series of events has been mentioned and you want to talk about it again, you can refer to it as the affair. The government has mishandled the whole affair... The affair began when… …   English dictionary

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