
[kɔ:k] v
1. мор. конопатить; уплотнять стыки; чеканить
2. затыкать; замазывать щели
3. сл.
1) «заткнуться», замолчать
2) уснуть

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "caulk" в других словарях:

  • caulk´er — caulk «kk», transitive verb. to fill up (a seam, crack, or joint) so that it will not leak; make watertight. Shipbuilders caulk wooden boats with oakum and tar. Plumbers caulk joints in pipe with lead, string, or a caulking compound. Also, calk.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Caulk — Caulk, v. t. 1. See {Calk}, v.. [1913 Webster] 2. to fill in the seams or cracks of, with a waterproof material such as caulk. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • caulk — caulk·en; caulk·er; caulk; …   English syllables

  • Caulk — Caulk, n. 1. See {Calk}. [1913 Webster] 2. a viscous semisolid material of varying composition used to fill in seams of objects which are exposed to water, such as wooden ships or bath tiles; called also {calk} and {caulking}. After applying in a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • caulk — (US also calk) ► NOUN ▪ a waterproof filler and sealant, used in building work and repairs. ► VERB 1) seal with caulk. 2) make (a boat or its seams) watertight. ORIGIN from Latin calcare to tread …   English terms dictionary

  • caulk — also calk AmE [ko:k US ko:k] v [T] [Date: 1400 1500; : Old North French; Origin: cauquer to press down with the feet , from Latin calcare, from calx heel ] to fill the holes or cracks in a ship with an oily or sticky substance in order to keep… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • caulk — late 14c., from O.N.Fr. cauquer, from L.L. calicare to stop up chinks with lime, from L. calx (2) lime, limestone (see CHALK (Cf. chalk)). Original sense is nautical, of making ships watertight …   Etymology dictionary

  • caulk — [kôk] vt. [ME cauken, to tread < OFr cauquer < L calcare < calx, a heel: see CALCAR] 1. to stop up (the cracks, seams, etc.) of (a window frame, boat, etc.) as with a puttylike sealant or oakum 2. to make (a joint of overlapping plates)… …   English World dictionary

  • caulk — caulk1 [ kɔk ] verb transitive to fill the spaces between pieces of wood on a boat or around the edge of a window with a special substance that keeps water out caulk caulk 2 [ kɔk ] or caulk|ing [ kɔkıŋ ] noun uncount a substance that you use for …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • caulk — I UK [kɔːk] / US [kɔk] verb [transitive] Word forms caulk : present tense I/you/we/they caulk he/she/it caulks present participle caulking past tense caulked past participle caulked to fill the spaces between pieces of wood on a boat or around… …   English dictionary

  • caulk — or calk I [[t]kɔk[/t]] v. caulked or calked, caulk•ing or calk•ing, n. v.t. 1) bui navig. to fill or close seams or crevices of (a window, ship s hull, etc.) in order to make watertight, airtight, etc 2) naut. navig. to fill or close (a seam,… …   From formal English to slang

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