- aet aetat
aet., aetat.
1> в возрасте ...(обычно о смерти);
here lies N.N. aet., aetat. 71 здесь покоится Н.Н.,
скончавшийся в возрасте 71 года
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
AET — absorption equivalent thickness; S (2 aminoethyl) isothiuronium * * * aet, aetat var of AE Each boldface word in the list below is a chiefly British variant of the word to its right in small capitals. aetiologic ETIOLOGIC aetiological ETIOLOGIC… … Medical dictionary
aetat. — aet. or aetat., at the age of (usually at death); aged (a designated figure); »Here lies John Richards, aet. 71. Also, ae. ╂[abbreviation of Latin aetātis, genitive of aetās age] AET (no periods) or A.E.T., a crystalline chemical compound used in … Useful english dictionary
aet — or aetat abbrev. 〚L aetatis, gen. of aetas, life, AGE〛 aged (a specified number of years); at the age of * * * … Universalium
aet — or aetat abbrev. [L aetatis, gen. of aetas, life, AGE] aged (a specified number of years); at the age of … English World dictionary
aet. — abbr. (also aetat.) aetatis. * * * at the age of. Also, aetat. [ < L aetatis] * * * aet. or aetat., at the age of (usually at death); aged (a designated figure); »Here lies John Richards, aet. 71. Also, ae … Useful english dictionary
aet — abbreviation or aetat Etymology: Latin aetatis, gen. of aetas age more at age of age; aged * * * abbrev After extra time * * * aet. or aetat., at the age … Useful english dictionary
aet — or aetat abbreviation Etymology: Latin aetatis of age; aged … New Collegiate Dictionary
aetat — abbreviation see aet … New Collegiate Dictionary
aet. — at the age of. Also, aetat. [ < L aetatis] * * * … Universalium
aet. — (also aetat.) abbreviation formal of or at the age of. Origin abbrev. of L. aetatis, genitive singular of aetas age … English new terms dictionary
aet. — or aetat. at the age of • Etymology: < L aetātis … From formal English to slang