Catechumen — • In the early Church, was the name applied to one who had not yet been initiated into the sacred mysteries, but was undergoing a course of preparation for that purpose Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Catechumen Catechumen … Catholic encyclopedia
Catechumen — Cat e*chu men, n. [L. catechumenus, Gr. kathchoy menos instructed, from kathchei^n. See {Catechise}.] (Eccl.) One who is receiving rudimentary instruction in the doctrines of Christianity; a neophyte; in the primitive church, one officially… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
catechumen — index neophyte, novice Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
catechumen — new convert, 15c., from Fr. catéchumène, from L. catechumenus, from Gk. katekhoumenos one being instructed, passive prp. of katekhein (see CATECHESIS (Cf. catechesis)) … Etymology dictionary
catechumen — [kat΄ə kyo͞o′mən] n. [ME cathecumine < LL(Ec) catechumenus < Gr katēchoumenos, person instructed < katēchein: see CATECHETICAL] 1. a person, esp. an adult, receiving instruction in the fundamentals of Christianity before baptism or… … English World dictionary
Catechumen — In ecclesiology, a catechumen (IPAEng|ˌkætəˈkjuːmən; from Latin catechumenus , Greek κατηχουμενος , instructed) is one receiving instruction in the principles of the Christian religion with a view to baptism. The title and practice is most often… … Wikipedia
catechumen — noun /ˌkæt.ɪˈkjuː.mɛn,ˌkæt.əˈkju.mən/ A convert to Christianity under instruction before baptism; a young Christian preparing for confirmation. Here in this room an old man had killed and boiled a catechumen, had committed sodomy with a rat, had… … Wiktionary
catechumen — n. person receiving instruction, especially in religion. ♦ catechumenate, ♦ catechumenism, n. status of a catechumen ♦ catechumenical, a … Dictionary of difficult words
catechumen — noun Etymology: Middle English cathecumyn, from Late Latin catechumenus, from Greek katēchoumenos, present passive participle of katēchein Date: 15th century 1. a convert to Christianity receiving training in doctrine and … New Collegiate Dictionary
catechumen — catechumenal, catechumenical /kat i kyooh men i keuhl/, adj. catechumenically, adv. catechumenate /kat i kyooh meuh nayt , nit/, n. catechumenism, n. /kat i kyooh meuhn/, n. 1. Eccles. a person under instruction in the rudiments of Christianity,… … Universalium
Catechumen — The catechumens are those who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and are getting ready to Baptism. In the early church, a new Jewish or pagan convert used to undergo a course of basic instruction and training in Christian doctrine and ritual … Dictionary of church terms