- catechistic catechistical
catechistic, catechistical
1> _церк. катехистический; относящийся к катехизису
2> в форме ответов и вопросов; вопросно-ответный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Catechistical — Catechistic Cat e*chis tic ( k[i^]s t[i^]k), Catechistical Cat e*chis tic*al, a. Of or pertaining to a catechist or to a catechism. Dr. H. More. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Catechistic — Cat e*chis tic ( k[i^]s t[i^]k), Catechistical Cat e*chis tic*al, a. Of or pertaining to a catechist or to a catechism. Dr. H. More. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
catechistical — See catechistic. * * * … Universalium
catechistical — adjective see catechistic … Useful english dictionary
catechist — catechistic, catechistical, adj. catechistically, adv. /kat i kist/, n. 1. a person who catechizes. 2. Eccles. a person appointed to instruct catechumens in the principles of religion as a preparation for baptism. [1555 65; < LL catechista < Gk… … Universalium
catechist — /ˈkætəkəst/ (say katuhkuhst) noun 1. someone who catechises. 2. Ecclesiastical a person appointed to instruct catechumens in the principles of religion as a preparation for baptism, confirmation, etc. 3. a student at a theological college, who is …
catechism — [kat′ə kiz΄əm] n. [LL(Ec) catechismus < Gr katēchismos < katēchizein, to catechize < katēchein: see CATECHETICAL] 1. a handbook of questions and answers for teaching the principles of a religion 2. any similar handbook for teaching the… … English World dictionary