- catechetical
- [͵kætıʹketık(ə)l] a
1. имеющий форму вопросов и ответов; в форме опроса, вопросно-ответный (о преподавании)2. церк. катехизический3. церк. относящийся к наставлению новообращённых
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
catechetical — [kat΄ə ket′i kəl] adj. [Gr(Ec) katēchētikos < Gr katēchētēs, instructor < katēchein, to instruct by word of mouth (in N.T., instruct in religion) < kata , thoroughly + ēchein, to sound: for IE base see ECHO] 1. of, like, or conforming to … English World dictionary
Catechetical — Catechetic Cat e*chet ic, Catechetical Cat e*chet ic*al, a. [Gr. ?. See {Catechise}.] Relating to or consisting in, asking questions and receiving answers, according to the ancient manner of teaching. [1913 Webster] Socrates introduced a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Catechetical School of Alexandria — The Catechetical School of Alexandria (founded c.a. 190) was and is a place for the training of Christian theologians and priests in Alexandria. The teachers and students of the school (also known as the Didascalium) were influential in many of… … Wikipedia
catechetical school — ▪ education in early Christianity, a type of educational institution with a curriculum directed toward inquirers (especially those trained in the Greek paideia, or educational system) whose aim was to gain a greater knowledge of… … Universalium
catechetical material — The Greek word catechesis means ‘an echo’, and in NT studies it denotes sections of the epistles which are believed to represent oral instruction for those being baptized. An example would be 1 Pet. 1:2–4:11. Catechetical usage may also have… … Dictionary of the Bible
catechetical — adjective see catechesis … New Collegiate Dictionary
catechetical — catechetically, adv. /kat i ket i keuhl/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to catechesis. 2. pertaining to teaching by question and answer. Also, catechetic. [1610 20; < late ML catechetic(us) ( < Gk kateche (see CATECHESIS) + ML ticus TIC) + AL1] * * * … Universalium
catechetical — adjective Of or pertaining to catechesis … Wiktionary
catechetical — [ˌkatɪ kɛtɪk(ə)l] adjective 1》 relating to catechesis. 2》 denoting religious teaching by means of questions and answers. Derivatives catechetic adjective catechetically adverb catechetics plural noun Origin C17: from eccles. Gk katēkhētikos, from … English new terms dictionary
catechetical — cat·e·chet·i·cal … English syllables
catechetical — cat•e•chet•i•cal [[t]ˌkæt ɪˈkɛt ɪ kəl[/t]] also cat e•chet′ic adj. rel pertaining to teaching by question and answer • Etymology: 1610–20; < ML catēchētic(us) cat e•chet′i•cal•ly, adv … From formal English to slang