- catch crops
- [ʹkætʃkrɒps] с.-х.
1) междупосевные культуры; промежуточные культуры2) междурядные посевы3) паровые культуры
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
catch-crop|ping — «KACH KROP ihng», noun. the practice of growing catch crops … Useful english dictionary
catch crop — noun a crop that grows quickly (e.g. lettuce) and can be planted between two regular crops grown in successive seasons or between two rows of crops in the same season • Hypernyms: ↑crop * * * noun : a crop grown between two crops in ordinary… … Useful english dictionary
Catch crop — In agriculture, a catch crop is a fast growing crop that is grown simultaneously with, or between successive plantings of a main crop. For example, radishes that mature from seed in 25 30 days can be grown between rows of most vegetables, and… … Wikipedia
Catch crop — Any crop grown between the rows of another crop or intermediate between two crops in ordinary rotation in point of time. {Catch crop ping}, n. Radishes . . . are often grown as a catch crop with other vegetables. L. H. Bailey. [Webster 1913 Suppl … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Catch-cropping — Catch crop Catch crop Any crop grown between the rows of another crop or intermediate between two crops in ordinary rotation in point of time. {Catch crop ping}, n. Radishes . . . are often grown as a catch crop with other vegetables. L. H.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
catch crop — catch cropping. a crop that reaches maturity in a relatively short time, often planted as a substitute for a crop that has failed or at a time when the ground would ordinarily lie fallow, as between the plantings of two staple crops. [1880 85] *… … Universalium
catch crop — n. a supplementary crop grown at a time when the ground would ordinarily lie fallow, as between the plantings of two principal crops: it may be harvested or plowed under to improve the soil … English World dictionary
catch — v. & n. v. (past and past part. caught) 1 tr. a lay hold of so as to restrain or prevent from escaping; capture in a trap, in one s hands, etc. b (also catch hold of) get into one s hands so as to retain, operate, etc. (caught hold of the handle) … Useful english dictionary
catch crop — noun a crop grown in the space or interval between two main crops … English new terms dictionary
Co-existence of genetically modified and conventional crops and derived food and feed — In the context of agriculture and food and feed production, co existence means using cropping systems with and without genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in parallel. For co existence to be assured, the separation and the identity of the… … Wikipedia
Cover crop — Agriculture General … Wikipedia