- catalyses
- [kəʹtælısi:z] pl от catalysis
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
catalyses — v. accelerate the rate of a chemical reaction by catalysis; cause change while remaining unaffected (also catalyze) ca·tal·y·sis || kÉ™ tælɪsɪs n. acceleration of a chemical reaction caused by a substance that remains unchanged by the… … English contemporary dictionary
Crotonase family — Enoyl CoA hydratase/isomerase family Identifiers Symbol ECH Pfam PF00378 InterPro … Wikipedia
Cobalamin biosynthesis — CobD Cbib Identifiers Symbol CobD Cbib Pfam PF03186 InterPro IPR00 … Wikipedia
CATALYSE - Généralités — Le terme catalyse a été forgé par Berzelius en 1835 pour désigner l’ensemble des effets chimiques produits par les catalyseurs. On appelle catalyseur «toute substance qui altère la vitesse d’une réaction chimique sans apparaître dans les produits … Encyclopédie Universelle
Calvin cycle — s or dark reactions.OverviewDuring photosynthesis, light energy is used to generate chemical free energy, stored in glucose. The light independent Calvin cycle, also (misleadingly) known as the dark reaction or dark stage , uses the energy from… … Wikipedia
Perrhenic acid — Chembox new ImageFile = ChemicalStructureOfPerrhenicAcid.png ImageSize = 150px ImageName = Perrhenic acid ImageFile1 = Perrhenic acid 3D balls.png ImageSize1 = 150px ImageName1 = Ball and stick model of the perrhenic acid molecule IUPACName =… … Wikipedia
Animal heme-dependent peroxidases — Pfam box Symbol = An peroxidase Name = Animal haem peroxidase width = caption = Pfam= PF03098 InterPro= IPR002007 SMART= PROSITE = PDOC00394 SCOP = 1mhl TCDB = OPM family= 37 OPM protein= 1q4g PDB=PDB3|1mhlA:171 270 PDB3|1dnuC:279 721… … Wikipedia
PDE — (= phosphodiesterase) Any enzyme (in EC 3.1 class) that catalyses the hydrolysis of one of the two ester linkages in a phosphodiester. PDE I (EC catalyses removal of 5&’ nucleotides from the 3&’ end of an oligonucleotide. PDE II (EC… … Dictionary of molecular biology
catalysis — catalytic /kat l it ik/, adj., n. catalytical, adj. catalytically, adv. /keuh tal euh sis/, n., pl. catalyses / seez /. 1. Chem. the causing or accelerating of a chemical change by the addition of a catalyst. 2. an action between two or more… … Universalium
Citrate synthase family — Citrate synt cold active citrate synthase Identifiers Symbol Citrate synt Pfam … Wikipedia
catalyse — [[t]kæ̱təlaɪz[/t]] catalyses, catalysing, catalysed (in AM, use catalyze) 1) VERB If something catalyses a thing or a situation, it makes it active. [FORMAL] [V n] Any unexpected circumstance that arises may catalyze a sudden escalation of… … English dictionary