- casualise
- [ʹkæʒʋəlaız] v проф.
переводить постоянных рабочих в категорию временных
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
casualise — cas|u|a|lise [ kæʒuə,laız ] a British spelling of casualize … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
casualise — /ˈkæʒjuəlaɪz/ (say kazhyoohuhluyz) verb (t) (casualised, casualising) to structure (a workforce) so that there are greater numbers of casual staff and fewer permanent staff. Also, casualize. –casualisation, noun …
casualise — casˈualize or casˈualise transitive verb 1. To render casual 2. To turn (regular workers) into casual workers • • • Main Entry: ↑casual … Useful english dictionary
casualize — [[t]kæ̱ʒuəlaɪz[/t]] casualizes, casualizing, casualized VERB If a business casualizes its employees or casualizes their labour, it replaces employees with permanent contracts and full rights with employees with temporary contracts and few rights … English dictionary