Carthusian — Order Abbreviation O.Cart., Carthusians Motto Stat crux dum volvitur orbis … Wikipedia
Carthusian — Car*thu sian, a. Pertaining to the Carthusian. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Carthusian — Car*thu sian, n. [LL. Cartusianus, Cartusiensis, from the town of Chartreuse, in France.] (Eccl. Hist.) A member of an exceeding austere religious order, founded at Chartreuse in France by St. Bruno, in the year 1086. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Carthusian — late 14c., from L. Cartusianus, in reference to an austere order of monks founded 1086 by St. Bruno at Chartreux, village in Dauphiné, France … Etymology dictionary
Carthusian — ► NOUN ▪ a monk or nun of an austere contemplative order founded by St Bruno in 1084. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to this order. ORIGIN from Carthusia, the Latin name for Chartreuse in France, where the order was founded … English terms dictionary
Carthusian — [kär tho͞o′zhən, kärthyo͞o′zhən] n. [ML Cartusianus, after Cartusia, Catorissium, L name for Chartreuse] a monk or nun of a very strict order founded at Chartreuse, France, in 1084, by Saint Bruno adj. of or connected with the Carthusians … English World dictionary
Carthusian — /kahr thooh zheuhn/, Rom. Cath. Ch. n. 1. a member of a monastic order founded by St. Bruno in 1086 near Grenoble, France. adj. 2. pertaining to the Carthusians. [1520 30; < ML Cartusianus, by metathesis from Catursianus, after Catursiani… … Universalium
Carthusian — noun Etymology: Medieval Latin Cartusiensis, from Cartusia Chartreuse, motherhouse of the Carthusian order, near Grenoble, France Date: 1526 a member of an ascetic contemplative religious order founded by St. Bruno in 1084 • Carthusian adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Carthusian — Car·thu·si·an || kÉ‘Ë Î¸juËzjÉ™n adj. of the order of Carthusian monks (Catholicism) n. member of the Carthusian order of monks which was founded in France by St. Bruno (Catholicism) … English contemporary dictionary
Carthusian Order, The — • The name is derived from the French chartreuse through the Latin cartusia, of which the English charterhouse is a corruption Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Carthusian horse — Infobox Horse name= Carthusian image caption= features= altname= nickname= country= Spain group1= std1= group2= std2= group3= std3= extinct= note= | The Carthusian horse, also known as the Carthusian Andalusian and the Cartujano, is a side breed… … Wikipedia