- cartedevisite
1> _фр. визитная карточка
2> _фр. фотопортрет размером 3,5 на 2,5 д., наклеенный
на паспарту
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Alfred Henry Burton — (1834 1914) is considered one of New Zealand s most important nineteenth century photographers. Burton was born in Leicester, England. His father, John Burton, was a prominent photographer and his firm [http://www.cartedevisite.co.uk/phinfoburton … Wikipedia
Walter John Burton — (1836 1880) was a New Zealand nineteenth century photographer. Burton was born in Leicester, England. His father, John Burton, was a prominent photographer and his firm [http://www.cartedevisite.co.uk/phinfoburton.htm John Burton and Sons] was… … Wikipedia
Air France — Faire du ciel le plus bel endroit de la Terre. Codes AITA OACIL Indicatif d appel … Wikipédia en Français
Charles Caryl Coleman — Not to be confused with Charles Coleman. Women in the Wheat Fields, Anacapri (1887) was sold at a Christie’s auction in 2004 for $600,000.[1] … Wikipedia