- carse
- [kɑ:s] n геол.
1. карст2. плодородная речная пойма
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Carse — (k[aum]rs), n. [Of Celtic origin; cf. W. cars bog, fen. carsen reed, Armor. kars, korsen, bog plant, reed.] Low, fertile land; a river valley. [Scot.] Jomieson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Carse — Carse, Getreidemaß in Frankreich = 256,79 par. Kubikzoll … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
CARSE — Armeniae urbs. Cedren. seu Chorsa, nunc Cars, urbs munita Asiae in Turcomannia, prope fontes Euphratis sub Turcis a 100. circiter annis. Baudrand. Tantopere aestimata, ut Turcarum Imperator inter titulos suos, Dominus Carsi, dici amet. An Charrae … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Carse — In Scottish geography, a Carse (the modern form of older Scots kerse ) is an area of low lying, typically alluvial and fertile land occupying certain Scottish river valleys, such as the River Forth, where it contrasts with the Ochil Hills to the… … Wikipedia
Carse — Recorded in a range of spellings including Carus, Carass, Carse, Caress, Cariss, Carass, Caris, Carriss, Cars and Carss, this is an English surname. The early research indicated that the development was from the medieval word carre hous as shown… … Surnames reference
Carse de Gowri — Carse de Gowri, so v.w. Gowri … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
carse deposit — carse deposit, Geology. an estuarine deposit made up of clay and silt … Useful english dictionary
Carse of Gowrie — The Carse of Gowrie consists of a stretch of low lying country in the southern part of Gowrie, Perth and Kinross, Scotland. It stretches for about 20 miles along the north shore of the Firth of Tay between Perth and Dundee. The area offers high… … Wikipedia
Carse-Litorale — Obalno kraška La région d Obalno kraška en Slovénie La région d Obalno kraška (Carse litorale, en italien Carsico litoranea) est une région statistique de Slovénie située en bordure de la mer Adriatique. Font partie de cette région des villes… … Wikipédia en Français
carse — /kahrs, kers/, n. Scot. bottom land. [1325 75; ME cars, kerss, equiv. to ker marsh ( < ON kjarr marshy grove; cf. Sw kärr marsh) + ss, north var. of ISH1] * * * … Universalium
CARSE — the name given in Scotland to alluvial lands bordering on a river … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia