
[ʹkɑ:pu:l] v амер.
1) совместно эксплуатировать автомобиль (для доставки на работу, в магазин, в школу и т. п.)
2) по очереди подвозить друг друга на автомобиле

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "carpool" в других словарях:

  • carpool — 2 verb [intransitive] if a group of people carpool, they go to work together in one car, often using cars owned by different people in the group on different days * * * Ⅰ. carpool UK US (also car pool) /ˈkɑːpuːl/ noun [C] ► TRANSPORT, SOCIAL… …   Financial and business terms

  • Carpool — (по русски чаще всего называется кар пул)  совместное использование автомобиля при поездках. При широком использовании позволяет снизить нагрузки на транспортные системы городов, стоимость проезда. Некоторые города оказывают содействие таким …   Википедия

  • carpool — carpool; carpool·er; …   English syllables

  • carpool — [kär′po͞ol΄] vi., vt. to participate in or transport by participating in a car pool: also car pool …   English World dictionary

  • Carpool — Carpooling (also known as car sharing, ride sharing, lift sharing), is the shared use of a car by the driver and one or more passengers, usually for commuting. Carpooling arrangements and schemes involve varying degrees of formality and… …   Wikipedia

  • carpool — /kahr poohl /, n. Also, car pool. 1. Also, carpooling, car pooling. an arrangement among a group of automobile owners by which each owner in turn drives the others or their children to and from a designated place. 2. those included in such an… …   Universalium

  • carpool — car|pool car pool [ˈka:pu:l US ˈka:r ] v [i]especially AmE if a group of people carpool, they travel together to work, school etc in one car and share the cost >carpooling n [U] …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • carpool — chiefly N. Amer. noun a group of people who arrange to make a journey or journeys in a single car. verb take part in a carpool …   English new terms dictionary

  • carpool — car•pool [[t]ˈkɑrˌpul[/t]] n. Also, car′ pool . 1) an arrangement among automobile owners by which each in turn drives the others to and from a designated place 2) those included in such an arrangement 3) Also, car′ pool . to form or participate… …   From formal English to slang

  • carpool — /ˈkapul/ (say kahpoohl) verb (i) to take part in a car pool: the parents decided to carpool to reduce traffic around the school. Also, car pool. –carpooling, noun …  

  • Carpool (disambiguation) — Carpool may refer to: *Carpool, a mechanism for sharing automobile journeys. *Carpool (1983 film) *Carpool (1996 film) *Carpool, August 21, 1992, a short film about carpooling(du ha) …   Wikipedia

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