
1. [ʹkɑ:pıt] n
1. ковёр

runner carpet - ковровая дорожка

magic carpet - ковёр-самолёт

2. спец. покрытие, одежда (дороги)

carpet coat /veneer/ - защитный слой (дорожного покрытия)

3. вор. жарг. три месяца тюрьмы
4. церк. покров; пелена (напрестольная)

red carpet - торжественная встреча

to roll out the red carpet for smb. - принять кого-л. с почётом

to be on the carpet - а) обсуждаться, рассматриваться (о вопросе); быть предметом разговора; б) получить нагоняй

this is the second time he has been on the carpet - ему уже дважды попало

to step off the carpet - амер. вступить в брак

to sweep smth. under the carpet - скрывать что-л.; не признаваться в чём-л. (неприятном и т. п.)

2. [ʹkɑ:pıt] v
1. 1) устилать, покрывать коврами
2) pass устилать (цветами и т. п.)
2. дор. покрывать тонким слоем (битума и т. п.)
3. разг. вызывать и делать выговор, замечание; дать нагоняй

why were they carpeted? - за что им попало?

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "carpet" в других словарях:

  • Carpet — Car pet (k[aum]r p[e^]t), n. [OF. carpite rug, soft of cloth, F. carpette coarse packing cloth, rug (cf. It. carpita rug, blanket), LL. carpeta, carpita, woolly cloths, fr. L. carpere to pluck, to card (wool); cf. Gr. karpo s fruit, E.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • carpet — ► NOUN 1) a floor covering made from thick woven fabric. 2) a large rug. 3) a thick or soft expanse or layer: a carpet of bluebells. ► VERB (carpeted, carpeting) 1) cover with a carpet. 2) …   English terms dictionary

  • carpet — late 13c., coarse cloth; mid 14c., tablecloth, bedspread; from O.Fr. carpite heavy decorated cloth, from M.L. carpita thick woolen cloth, pp. of L. carpere to card, pluck, probably so called because it was made from unraveled, shreded, plucked… …   Etymology dictionary

  • carpet — [kär′pət] n. [ME < OFr carpite, carpet, kind of cloth < ML carpita, thick woolen cloth < pp. of L carpere, to card, pluck: see EXCERPT] 1. a thick, heavy fabric of wool, cotton, or synthetic fibers for covering a floor, stairs, etc.: it… …   English World dictionary

  • Carpet — Car pet, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Carpeted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Carpeting}.] To cover with, or as with, a carpet; to spread with carpets; to furnish with a carpet or carpets. [1913 Webster] Carpeted temples in fashionable squares. E. Everett. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cârpet — CÂRPÉT, cârpeturi, s.n. (Rar) Obiecte de îmbrăcăminte ieftine, proaste. – Din cârpă + suf. et. Trimis de gall, 03.02.2008. Sursa: DLRM …   Dicționar Român

  • carpet — [n] nappy floor covering carpeting, matting, rug, runner, tapestry, throw rug, wall to wall*; concept 473 …   New thesaurus

  • Carpet — For other uses, see Carpet (disambiguation). The Azerbaijani carpet, a UNESCO Masterpiece of Intangible Heritage of Humanity …   Wikipedia

  • carpet — n. 1) to beat a carpet 2) to lay a carpet 3) to take up a carpet (the carpet must be taken up and cleaned) 4) (misc.) to roll out the red carpet for smb. ( to give smb. a warm reception ); a flying, magic carpet; to call smb. on the carpet ( to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • carpet — noun 1 material for covering floors ADJECTIVE ▪ deep pile (esp. BrE), lush (esp. AmE), plush (AmE), shag (esp. AmE), shag pile (BrE), soft, thick ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • carpet — n. & v. n. 1 a thick fabric for covering a floor or stairs. b a piece of this fabric. 2 an expanse or layer resembling a carpet in being smooth, soft, bright, or thick (carpet of snow). (carpeted, carpeting) 1 cover with or as with a carpet …   Useful english dictionary

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