- carolingian
- 1. [͵kærəʹlındʒıən] = Carlovingian I и II 2. [͵kærəʹlındʒıən] = Carlovingian I и II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
carolingian — CAROLINGIÁN, Ă, carolingieni, e, adj. Care aparţine dinastiei lui Carol cel Mare, privitor la această dinastie. [pr.: gi an] – Din fr. carolingien. Trimis de valeriu, 11.02.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 carolingián adj. m. (sil. gi an), pl. carolingiéni… … Dicționar Român
Carolingian — 1881, belonging to the dynasty founded by Carl the Great (Fr. Charlemagne), from L. carolus Charles; properly Carlovingian … Etymology dictionary
Carolingian — [kar΄ə lin′jē ən] adj. [ML Carolingi, pl. of Carolingus < Carolus, CHARLES1 + Gmc ing, patronymic suffix + IAN] designating or of the second Frankish dynasty, founded (A.D. 751) by Pepin the Short, son of Charles Martel n. a member of this… … English World dictionary
Carolingian G — The Carolingian G or French G is one of two historical variants of the letter G which were in use in the Middle English alphabet; the other variant was the insular G or Irish G. The Carolingian G is named for the Carolingian minuscule script, an… … Wikipedia
Carolingian — /kar euh lin jee euhn/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the Frankish dynasty that reigned in France A.D. 751 987, first under Charlemagne, and in Germany until A.D. 911. 2. pertaining to or designating the arts, script, or culture of the Carolingian… … Universalium
Carolingian — The Carolingian dynasty replaced that of the Merovingians in 751, when Pepin II became king of the Franks. The Carolingian Empire was created by and named after Charlemagne (771 814) in imitation of the Roman Empire: a Holy Roman Empire with the… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Carolingian — Car•o•lin•gi•an [[t]ˌkær əˈlɪn dʒi ən[/t]] also Carlovingian adj. 1) anh of or pertaining to the Frankish dynasty that ruled, first under Pepin the Short, in France a.d. 751–987 and in Germany until a.d. 911 2) anh of or pertaining to the arts,… … From formal English to slang
Carolingian — adj. & n. (also Carlovingian) adj. 1 of or relating to the second Frankish dynasty, founded by Charlemagne (d. 814). 2 of a style of script developed in France at the time of Charlemagne. n. 1 a member of the Carolingian dynasty. 2 the… … Useful english dictionary
Carolingian — adjective Etymology: French carolingien, from Medieval Latin Karolingi Carolingians, from Karolus Charlemagne + ingi (as in Merovingi Merovingians) Date: 1881 of or relating to a Frankish dynasty dating from about A.D. 613 and including among its … New Collegiate Dictionary
Carolingian — 1. adjective a) Of or pertaining to the reign of Charlemagne b) A style of script: Carolingian minuscule 2. noun Any member of a Frankish noble family with its origins in the Arnu … Wiktionary
Carolingian — [ˌkarə lɪndʒɪən] (also Carlovingian) adjective 1》 relating to or denoting the Frankish dynasty founded by Charlemagne s father (Pepin III), which ruled in western Europe from 750 to 987. 2》 denoting a minuscule script developed in France during… … English new terms dictionary