- carnaptious
- [kɑ:ʹnæpʃəs] a шотл., ирл.
вздорный, придирчивый; сварливый; раздражительный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
carnaptious — adjective bad tempered, quarrelsome, snappy … Wiktionary
carnaptious — adj. (Scottish and Irish) ill tempered, grumpy, bad tempered … English contemporary dictionary
carnaptious — car·nap·tious … English syllables
carnaptious — (ˈ)kär|napshəs, kərˈn adjective Etymology: perhaps from ker + knap (to bite) + connective t + ious dialect chiefly Britain : bad tempered … Useful english dictionary
Mid Ulster English — Approximate boundaries of the English and Scots dialects spoken in Ulster. It should be noted that Ulster Scots (light blue) is not spoken in the entire shaded area – light blue indicates both current and historical Ulster Scots areas. The… … Wikipedia
ker- — an unstressed syllable prefixed to onomatopoeic and other expressive words, usually forming adverbs or interjections: kerflop; kerplunk; ker splosh. Also, ca , ka . [perh. < Scots dial. car , cur , currie (as in carfuffle, carwhuffle to… … Universalium