- carlylean
- [kɑ:ʹlaılıən] a книжн.
относящийся к Карлейлю
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Carlylean — adjective see Carlyle … New Collegiate Dictionary
carlylean — car·lyl·e·an … English syllables
carlylean — … Useful english dictionary
carlyleian — I. adjective see carlylean I II. noun see carlylean II … Useful english dictionary
carlylian — I. adjective see carlylean I II. noun see carlylean II … Useful english dictionary
Carlyle — biographical name Thomas 1795 1881 Scottish essayist & historian • Carlylean or Carlylian adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Rufus Porter — For the American football player see Rufus Porter (American football) . For the American poet see Rufus L. Porter .Rufus M. Porter (May 1, 1792 August 13, 1884) was an American painter, inventor, and founder of Scientific American magazine.Famous … Wikipedia
Ruskin, John — born Feb. 8, 1819, London, Eng. died Jan. 20, 1900, Coniston, Lancashire English art critic. Born into a wealthy family, Ruskin was largely educated at home. He was a gifted painter, but the best of his talent went into his writing. His… … Universalium
English literature — Introduction the body of written works produced in the English language by inhabitants of the British Isles (including Ireland) from the 7th century to the present day. The major literatures written in English outside the British Isles are… … Universalium
carlylese — (|)kärˌlī|lēz, ȧˌl , ēs, kärˈlīˌl , kȧˈl ; kə(r)|lī|l noun Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Thomas Carlyle + English ese : Carlylean use of language often used of style imitative of Carlyle s literary excesses * * * Carlylese /kär līl ēzˈ/ … Useful english dictionary
Car|lyl|e|an — «kahr LY lee uhn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Thomas Carlyle (1795 1881), a Scottish essayist, historian, and philosopher: »First there is the hero of Wagnerian dimensions, capable of great public service, as Plutarch would… … Useful english dictionary