carhop — ☆ carhop [kär′häp΄ ] n. [ CAR1 + (BELL)HOP] a waiter or, esp., a waitress who serves food to customers in cars at a drive in restaurant … English World dictionary
Carhop — A carhop is a waiter or waitress (often) on rollerskates who brings food to people in their cars. Carhops originated in the 1940s when drive in eateries were popular. Now carhops are only featured at a few remaining original drive in hotdog… … Wikipedia
carhop — /kahr hop /, n., v., carhopped, carhopping. n. 1. a person who serves customers in their cars at a drive in restaurant. v.i. 2. to work as a carhop. [1935 40; CAR1 + (BELL)HOP] * * * … Universalium
carhop — noun A person who waits on customers at a drive in restaurant, sometimes on rollerskates I ended my aimless roaming short term odd jobs lifestyle and joyfully went to work at a local restaurant in Langley Park, Maryland, as a carhop … Wiktionary
carhop — car•hop [[t]ˈkɑrˌhɒp[/t]] n. v. hopped, hop•ping 1) cvb a person who serves customers in their cars at a drive in restaurant 2) cvb to work as a carhop • Etymology: 1935–40; car+ (bell) hop … From formal English to slang
carhop — noun Etymology: car + hop (as in bellhop) Date: 1937 one who serves customers at a drive in restaurant … New Collegiate Dictionary
carhop — n. waiter or waitress who brings food to customers in their cars at a drive in restaurant … English contemporary dictionary
carhop — noun N. Amer. informal, dated a waiter or waitress at a drive in restaurant … English new terms dictionary
carhop — noun (C) AmE old fashioned 1 someone who takes care of your car if you are staying a large hotel 2 someone who carries food to people s cars at a drive in restaurant … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
carhop — car·hop … English syllables
carhop — n. US colloq. a waiter at a drive in restaurant … Useful english dictionary