- car yard
- [ʹkɑ:jɑ:d] ж.-д.
сортировочный парк
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Car Yard — 1) See White Horse Yard, Seething Lane; also Car Square. 2) Out of Redoross Street, in Cripplegate Ward (Strype, ed. 1755 Boyle, 1799). Not named in the maps … Dictionary of London
car yard — /ˈka jad/ (say kah yahd) noun an establishment for the buying and selling of cars which has an open air area in which cars for sale are displayed. Also, caryard …
Car Square — West out of Moor Lane, in Cripplegate Ward Without (Horwood, 1799 O.S. 1848 51). Former name : Carr, Car, Yard (O. and M. 1677 L. Guide, 1758). Removed for the formation of the Metropolitan Railway lines, which now cover the site … Dictionary of London
car boot sales — Car boot sales, along with garage sales and attic sales, as forms of private selling are a phenomenon of recent years and reflect a number of economic and social trends and cultural practices. Jumble sales have traditionally been held in, for… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
Yard pet — (car sales) car which doesn t sell … Dictionary of Australian slang
car|man — «KAHR muhn», noun, plural men. U.S. 1. a person who checks and repairs railroad cars in a yard or station. 2. the motorman or conductor of a streetcar. 3. a person who drives a cart … Useful english dictionary
yard — To remove or displace forcefully. Engine trouble, asked the large mechanic? Lets just yard that sucker right out of the car and have a look! … Dictionary of american slang
yard — To remove or displace forcefully. Engine trouble, asked the large mechanic? Lets just yard that sucker right out of the car and have a look! … Dictionary of american slang
yard pet — Australian Slang (car sales) car which doesn t sell … English dialects glossary
yard pet — n. car that does not sell (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
car checker — noun 1. : one that reports and records the identifying numbers on cars in a freight yard 2. : a worker who inspects new automobiles before delivery to customers … Useful english dictionary