- aerology
- [e(ə)ʹrɒlədʒı] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Aerology — (from Greek ἀήρ, aēr , air ; and λογία, logia ) is the study of Earth s atmosphere. Aerology studies the Ozone layer, atmospheric currents, climate and environment effects of the whole atmosphere. Methods include satellites, rocketsondes,… … Wikipedia
Aerology — A [ e]r*ol o*gy, n. [A[ e]ro + logy: cf. F. a[ e]rologie.] That department of physics which treats of the atmosphere. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aerology — [er äl′ə jē] n. the branch of meteorology concerned with the study of air, esp. in the upper atmosphere aerologic [er΄ō läj′ik] adj. aerologist [er äl′ə jist] n … English World dictionary
aerology — aerologic /air euh loj ik/, aerological, adj. aerologist, n. /air rol euh jee/, n. 1. the branch of meteorology involving the observation of the atmosphere by means of balloons, airplanes, etc. 2. (in former use by the U.S. Navy) meteorology.… … Universalium
aerology — noun a) The branch of meteorology involving the observation of the atmosphere by means of balloons, airplanes, etc. b) The study of the air and of the atmosphere. Used in the US Navy until early 1957. The same as meteorology; however, this usage… … Wiktionary
aerology — Synonyms and related words: aerial photography, aeroballistics, aerodynamics, aerogeology, aerography, aeromechanics, aeromedicine, aerometry, aeronautical meteorology, aerophotography, aerophysics, aeroscopy, aerospace research, aerostatics,… … Moby Thesaurus
aerology — study of the atmosphere Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
aerology — aer·ol·o·gy || eÉ™ rÉ’lÉ™dʒɪ n. branch of meteorology which studies the upper part of the atmosphere … English contemporary dictionary
aerology — noun dated the study of the atmosphere. Derivatives aerological adjective … English new terms dictionary
aerology — aer·ol·o·gy … English syllables
aerology — aer•ol•o•gy [[t]ɛəˈrɒl ə dʒi[/t]] n. mer the branch of meteorology involving the observation of the atmosphere • Etymology: 1745–55 aer•o•log•ic ˌɛər əˈlɒdʒ ɪk aer o•log′i•cal, adj. aer•ol′o•gist, n … From formal English to slang