- capriole
- 1. [ʹkæprıəʋl] n
прыжок на месте (фигура); кабриоль2. [ʹkæprıəʋl] v
caprioles of fancy - ирон. полёт фантазии
делать прыжок на месте; прыгать, скакать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
caprioles of fancy - ирон. полёт фантазии
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
capriole — CAPRIOLE. s. f. Quelques uns disent Cabriole Le saut d un danseur qui s esleve agilement & coupe l air par le mouvement redoublé de ses pieds. Faire la capriole. couper la capriole. Il se dit aussi, d Une espece de manege que l on fait faire aux… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Capriole — Cap ri*ole, v. i. To perform a capriole. Carlyle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Capriole — Cap ri*ole, n. [F. capriole, cabriole, It. capriola, fr. L. caper goat. Cf. {Caper}, v. i. {Cabriole}, {Caprice}, {Cheveril}.] 1. (Man.) A leap that a horse makes with all fours, upwards only, without advancing, but with a kick or jerk of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
capriole — [kap′rē ōl΄] n. [Fr < It capriola < capriolare, to leap like a goat < capriolo, roe deer < L capreolus, wild goat < caper (gen. capri), he goat < IE * kapro > ON hafr, OIr gabor] 1. a caper; leap 2. a type of competitive jump … English World dictionary
Capriōle — (v. lat.), 1) eigentlich Bockssprung; 2) (Reitk.), so v.w. Ballotade; 3) (Tanzk.), ein leichter u. geschickter Sprung … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
capriole — Capriole, Herbe autrement nommée Sanguinaire, Sanguinalis, Sanguinaria … Thresor de la langue françoyse
capriole — noun Etymology: Middle French or Old Italian; Middle French capriole, from Old Italian capriola, from capriolo roebuck, from Latin capreolus goat, roebuck, from capr , caper he goat; akin to Old English hæfer goat, Greek kapros wild boar Date:… … New Collegiate Dictionary
capriole — n. & v. n. 1 a leap or caper. 2 a trained horse s high leap and kick without advancing. v. 1 intr. (of a horse or its rider) perform a capriole. 2 tr. make (a horse) capriole. Etymology: F f. It. capriola leap, ult. f. caper pri goat … Useful english dictionary
capriole — /kap ree ohl /, n., v., caprioled, caprioling. n. 1. a caper or leap. 2. Manège. a movement in which the horse jumps up with its forelegs well drawn in, kicks out with its hind legs in a horizontal position in the air, and then lands again on the … Universalium
capriole — cap•ri•ole [[t]ˈkæp riˌoʊl[/t]] n. v. oled, ol•ing 1) a caper or leap 2) spo a movement in manège in which the horse jumps completely off the ground, kicks its hind legs out horizontally in the air, and then lands again on the same spot 3) spo to … From formal English to slang
capriole — /ˈkæprioʊl/ (say kapreeohl) noun 1. a caper or leap. 2. an upward spring made by a horse with all four feet and without advancing. –verb (i) 3. to execute a capriole. {French, from Italian capriola caper, from capro goat, from Latin caper} …