Смотреть что такое "capitated" в других словарях:
Capitated reimbursement — is a health management plan which pays health care service providers a set amount of money to provide health care based on the number of people covered in the plan. This is a recent effort of insurance companies and large corporations to reduce… … Wikipedia
Capitated Contract — A healthcare plan that allows payment of a flat fee for each patient it covers. Under a capitation, an HMO or managed care organization pays a fixed amount of money for its members to the health care provider. Also referred to as capitation… … Investment dictionary
capitated — adjective Etymology: back formation from capitation Date: 1983 of, relating to, participating in, or being a health care system in which a medical provider is given a set fee per patient (as by an HMO) regardless of treatment required … New Collegiate Dictionary
capitated — cap·i·tat·ed kap ə .tāt əd adj of, relating to, participating in, or being a health care system in which a medical provider is given a set fee per patient (as by an HMO) regardless of treatment required … Medical dictionary
capitated — adj. founded on the number of individuals involved or per person; resembling a head, having shape of a head … English contemporary dictionary
capitated — cap·i·tat·ed … English syllables
capitated — adjective see capitate I, 1 … Useful english dictionary
Capitation Payments — Payments agreed upon in a capitation contract by a health insurance company and a medical provider. It is a fixed, pre arranged monthly payment received by a physician, clinic or hospital per patient enrolled in a health plan with a capitated… … Investment dictionary
capitation — noun Etymology: Late Latin capitation , capitatio poll tax, from Latin capit , caput Date: 1641 1. a direct uniform tax imposed on each head or person ; poll tax 2. a uniform per capita payment or fee 3. a … New Collegiate Dictionary
Trinity College, Dublin — The College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath Coláiste Thríonóid Naofa Neamhroinnte na Banríona Eilís gar do Bhaile Átha Cliath Latin … Wikipedia
Universal health care — is health care coverage which is extended to all eligible residents of a governmental region. Universal health care programs vary widely in their structure and funding mechanisms, particularly the degree to which they are publicly funded.… … Wikipedia