- canonization
- [͵kænənaıʹzeıʃ(ə)n] n
1. церк. канонизация, причисление к лику святых2. обожествление; идеализация
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Canonization — Can on*i*za tion, n. [F. canonisation.] [1913 Webster] 1. (R. C. Ch.) The final process or decree (following beatifacation) by which the name of a deceased person is placed in the catalogue (canon) of saints and commended to perpetual veneration… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
canonization — index elevation Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
canonization — (n.) late 14c., from M.L. canonizationem, noun of action from canonizare (see CANONIZE (Cf. canonize)) … Etymology dictionary
canonization — (Amer.) can·on·i·za·tion || ‚kænÉ™naɪ zeɪʃn n. (Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church) sanctification, placement in the canon of saints; making canonical (also canonisation) … English contemporary dictionary
canonization — Canonization, Apotheosis … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Canonization — For other uses, see Canonization (disambiguation). Icon of St. Cyprian of Carthage, who urged diligence in the process of canonization. Canonization (or canonisation) is the act by which a Christian church declares a deceased person to be a saint … Wikipedia
canonization — See canonize. * * * Official act of a Christian church declaring a deceased member worthy of veneration and entering his or her name in the canon (authorized list) of saints. The cult of local martyrs was widespread in the early church, and by… … Universalium
canonization — This word (from the Greek kanōn, meaning rule or law ) refers to the fact that a person has been added to the official list of saints. Canonization is an official proclamation by the Pope that a person (who has been beatified) may be venerated … Glossary of theological terms
canonization — canonize (also canonise) ► VERB 1) (in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint. 2) sanction by Church authority. DERIVATIVES canonization noun. ORIGIN Latin canonizare admit as authoritative … English terms dictionary
Canonization and Beatification — • According to some writers the origin in the Catholic Church is to be traced back to the ancient pagan apotheosis Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Canonization of Josemaría Escrivá — History of the Cause of CanonizationAccording to the Vatican, here is the chronology of the process of canonization:From death to beatification*1975 1980: After Escriva s death on June 26, 1975, the Postulation for the Cause of his beatification… … Wikipedia