
[ʹkænı] a диал.
1. благоразумный, осторожный, осмотрительный
2. практичный, умеющий устраивать свои дела; житейски мудрый
3. осторожный в движениях, спокойный, неторопливый
4. ловкий, умелый

canny wife - арх. повивальная бабка

canny moment - арх. роды

5. уютный
6. приятный; привлекательный; хороший, подходящий
7. экономный, бережливый
8. уст. хитрый, коварный

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "canny" в других словарях:

  • Canny — may refer to:* Canny (attribute), a pleasant attribute * Canny edge detector, an operator which uses a multi stage algorithm to detect a wide range of edges in images * Paddy Canny (1919 2008), Irish fiddlercanny systems [] …   Wikipedia

  • canny — [kan′ē] adj. cannier, canniest [< CAN1 + Y3] 1. careful and shrewd in one s actions and dealings; clever and cautious 2. careful with money; thrifty 3. Scot. careful in action; gentle; easy; quiet …   English World dictionary

  • Canny — bezeichnet: den Canny Algorithmus zur Kantendetektion Canny sur Matz, eine Gemeinde im französischen Département Oise Canny sur Thérain, eine Gemeinde im französischen Département Oise Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Canny — Can ny, Cannei Can nei, a. [Cf. Icel. kenn skilled, learned, or E. canny. Cf. {Kenn}.] [North of Eng. & Scot.] 1. Artful; cunning; shrewd; wary. [1913 Webster] 2. Skillful; knowing; capable. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] 3. Cautious; prudent; safe …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • canny — index artful, deft, machiavellian, perspicacious, politic, practiced, prudent, subtle (insidious) …   Law dictionary

  • canny — 1630s, Scottish and northern England formation from CAN (Cf. can) (v.) in its sense of know how to; lit. knowing, hence, careful. Often used superciliously of Scots by their southern neighbors, implying thrift and an eye to the main chance …   Etymology dictionary

  • canny — [adj] clever, artful able, acute, adroit, astute, cagey, careful, cautious, circumspect, cunning, dexterous, discreet, foxy*, frugal, having fancy footwork*, hep*, ingenious, intelligent, judicious, knowing, nimble witted, perspicacious, prudent …   New thesaurus

  • canny — ► ADJECTIVE (cannier, canniest) 1) shrewd, especially in financial or business matters. 2) N. English & Scottish pleasant; nice. DERIVATIVES cannily adverb canniness noun. ORIGIN from …   English terms dictionary

  • canny — I Scottish Vernacular Dictionary Shrewd cautious or crafty II Cleveland Dialect List knowing, skilful, clever; prudent, cautious, handy; well suited, possessing evident or admitted advantages, excellent: a canny chap wi horses , a canny… …   English dialects glossary

  • Canny — Algorithme de Canny L algorithme de Canny (1986) est utilisé en traitement ou en analyse d image pour la détection des contours. L auteur l a conçu pour être optimal suivant trois critères clairement explicités : bonne détection :… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • canny — [[t]kæ̱ni[/t]] cannier, canniest ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A canny person is clever and able to think quickly. You can also describe a person s behaviour as canny. He was far too canny to risk giving himself away... A canny investor would need to… …   English dictionary

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