- candlesnuffers
1> щипцы для снятия нагара для свечи
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
candlesnuffers — n. device consisting of a long thing handle and small cone on the end of said handle to put out candles … English contemporary dictionary
twist — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, probably from Middle Dutch twisten, from twist twine, discord, quarrel; akin to Old English twist (in candeltwist candlesnuffers, mæsttwist twin support for a mast), Middle English twisten to be forked, Middle… … New Collegiate Dictionary
candlesnuffer — /kan dl snuf euhr/, n. Usually, candlesnuffers. a scissorlike instrument for removing the snuff of candles, tapers, etc., usually with a small box for catching the trimmed wick. Also called snuffer. Cf. extinguisher (def. 3). [1545 55; CANDLE +… … Universalium