- call upon
- [ʹkɔ:ləʹpɒn] phr v
1. чувствовать потребность
he felt called upon to speak - он счёл необходимым выступить, он считал себя не вправе промолчать
2. pass быть вынужденным
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
he felt called upon to speak - он счёл необходимым выступить, он считал себя не вправе промолчать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
call upon — index address (petition), call (appeal to), command, delegate, direct (order), importune … Law dictionary
call\ upon — • call (up)on v 1. To make a call upon; visit. Mr. Brown called on an old friend while he was in the city. 2. To ask for help. He called on a friend to give him money for the busfare to his home … Словарь американских идиом
call upon — phrasal : require, oblige may be called upon to do several jobs : make a demand upon : depend on universities are called upon to produce trained men * * * ˈcall upon [transitive] [present ten … Useful english dictionary
call upon — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms call upon : present tense I/you/we/they call upon he/she/it calls upon present participle calling upon past tense called upon past participle called upon formal call upon someone/something same as call on 1)… … English dictionary
call upon sb — UK US call on/upon sb Phrasal Verb with call({{}}/kɔːl/ verb ► to ask formally for someone to do something: call on/upon sb to do sth »They called on the company to reverse its decision. »If you re ever called upon at work to give a talk, the… … Financial and business terms
call upon — v. make short visit to; turn to for help, able to appeal to ; invite; require seriously; make a claim of a debt; invoke; draw out a response from someone; pray, worship (e.g., call upon God) … English contemporary dictionary
call upon — ► call on/upon turn to as a source of help. Main Entry: ↑call … English terms dictionary
call upon — v.. see call on * * * [ kɔːlə pɒn] see call on … Combinatory dictionary
call upon — phrasal 1. require, oblige < may be called upon to do several jobs > 2. to make a demand on ; depend on < universities are called upon to produce trained professionals > … New Collegiate Dictionary
call upon — See: CALL ON … Dictionary of American idioms
call upon — See: CALL ON … Dictionary of American idioms