
I [kɑ:f] n (pl calves)
1. 1) телёнок; телок

calf crop - приплод телят

in calf, with calf - стельная

2) детёныш (оленя, слона, кита и т. п.)
2. простофиля, телёнок
3. телячья кожа, опоек

calf binding - переплёт из телячьей кожи

bound in calf - в переплёте из телячьей кожи

4. библ. телец

to worship the golden calf - поклоняться златому /золотому/ тельцу

5. островок, лежащий рядом с большим островом
6. небольшая плавучая льдина

Essex calf - шутл. житель или уроженец Эссекса

to eat the calf in the cow's belly - ≅ делить шкуру неубитого медведя

II [kɑ:f] n (pl calves)
икра (ноги)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "calf" в других словарях:

  • Calf — Calf, n.; pl. {Calves}. [OE. calf, kelf, AS. cealf; akin to D. kalf, G. kalb, Icel. k[=a]lfr, Sw. kalf, Dan. kalv, Goth. kalb[=o]; cf. Skr. garbha fetus, young, Gr. ?????, Skr grabh to seize, conceive, Ir. colpa, colpach, a calf. [root]222.] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • calf — [ kalf ] n. m. • 1964; abrév. de box calf ♦ Box. ⇒ 1. box. calf [kalf] n. m. ÉTYM. 1964. ❖ ♦ Abréviation de box calf. ⇒ Box calf. || « La montre à la mode, bracelet calf noir » ( …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Calf — steht für Anthony Calf (* 1959), britischer Schauspieler Baby Calf, Ledersorte Siehe auch Calf Island Calf Lake Kalf Calw …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • calf — calf; calf·hood; calf·kill; calf·less; calf·skin; …   English syllables

  • calf — [ka:f US kæf] n plural calves [ka:vz US kævz] [Sense: 1; Date: 1300 1400; : Old Norse; Origin: kalfi] [Sense: 2 3; Origin: Old English cealf] 1.) the part of the back of your leg between your knee and your ↑ankle …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • calf — calf1 [kaf, käf] n. pl. calves or, esp. for 4, calfs [ME < OE cealf & ON kalfr < IE * geleb(h) < base * gel , to swell, form a ball (hence swelling, fetus, offspring) > CLUB, L globus] 1. a young cow or bull 2. the young of some other …   English World dictionary

  • Calf — [kalf, engl. kɑ:f] das; s <aus engl. calf »Kalb«> Kalbsleder, das bes. zum Einbinden von Büchern verwendet wird …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • calf — [n1] leg between knee and ankle foreleg, shin; concept 392 calf [n2] baby cow dogie, freemartin, heifer, maverick, veal, yearling, young bull, young cow; concept 394 …   New thesaurus

  • calf — Ⅰ. calf [1] ► NOUN (pl. calves) 1) a young bovine animal, especially a domestic cow or bull in its first year. 2) the young of some other large mammals, such as elephants. 3) a floating piece of ice detached from an iceberg. ORIGIN Old English. Ⅱ …   English terms dictionary

  • Calf —    CALF, an island, in the parish of Kilninian and Kilmore, district of Mull, county of Argyll. This island, which is of extremely small extent, lies off Tobermory, in the north eastern part of the parish, and is in that portion of the Sound of… …   A Topographical dictionary of Scotland

  • calf — [ kæf ] (plural calves [ kævz ] ) noun count * 1. ) a young cow. Its meat is called veal. a ) a young animal such as a young elephant, WHALE, or GIRAFFE 2. ) the thick back part of your leg between your knee and your ANKLE …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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