- calculator
- [ʹkælkjʋleıtə] n
1. см. calculate + -or2. калькулятор; сметчик; расчётчик3. 1) вычислитель2) счётно-решающее устройство; арифмометр4. счётчик (прибор)5. вычислительные таблицы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
calculator — CALCULATÓR, OÁRE, calculatori, oare, subst. 1. s.n. Tabel care cuprinde rezultatele unor calcule, folosit pentru simplificarea operaţiilor; carte, broşură care cuprinde asemenea tabele. 2. s.n. (Şi în sintagma calculator electronic) Ordinator,… … Dicționar Român
calculator — UK US /ˈkælkjəleɪtər/ noun [C] IT, WORKPLACE ► something such as a small piece of electronic equipment or a computer program that does mathematical calculations: »a desk/pocket calculator »The flexible savings account has an online calculator… … Financial and business terms
Calculator — ist der lateinische Ausdruck für einen „Rechenmeister“ oder Mathematiker. Der Begriff ist abgeleitet von Calculus (lat.: Stein, den man zum Rechnen nahm). Im römischen Reich war der Calculator ein Sklave, später auch ein Freigelassener oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
calculator — late 14c., mathematician, one who calculates, from L. calculator, from calculatus, pp. of calculare to reckon, compute, from calculus (see CALCULUS (Cf. calculus)). Of mechanical adding machine contraptions, from 1784. Of electronic ones, from… … Etymology dictionary
Calculator — Cal cu*la*tor, n. [L.: cf. F. calculateur.] One who computes or reckons: one who estimates or considers the force and effect of causes, with a view to form a correct estimate of the effects. [1913 Webster] Ambition is no exact calculator. Burke.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Calculātor — Calculātor, 1) (röm. Ant.), Sklav, der die Rechnung für seinen Herrnführte, auch zugleich als Rechenmeister Kinder unterrichtete; 2) (Calculist), Beamter, der Berechnungen aller Art, bes. die Richtigkeit derselben prüft. Daher Calcutatur,… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
calculator — index accountant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Calculator — [engl.], Rechner … Universal-Lexikon
calculator — [n] adding machine computer, number cruncher*, PDA, personal digital assistant; concepts 269,463 … New thesaurus
calculator — ► NOUN ▪ something used for making mathematical calculations, in particular a small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual display … English terms dictionary
calculator — [kal′kyo͞o lāt΄ər, kal′kyəlāt΄ər] n. 1. a person who calculates 2. a book of tables for calculating 3. a mechanical or electronic device for the automatic performance of mathematical operations … English World dictionary