Cajole — Ca*jole , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Cajoled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Cajoling}.] [F. cajoler, orig., to chatter like a bird in a cage, to sing; hence, to amuse with idle talk, to flatter, from the source of OF. goale, jaiole, F. ge[^o]le, dim. of cage a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cajolé — cajolé, ée (ka jo lé, lée) part. passé. Un enfant cajolé par sa bonne. Cette jeune fille cajolée par les garçons du village … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
cajole — (v.) 1640s, from Fr. cajoler to cajole, wheedle, coax, perhaps a blend of M.Fr. cageoler to chatter like a jay (16c., from gajole, southern dim. of geai jay ), and O.Fr. gaioler to cage, entice into a cage (see JAIL (Cf. jail)). Related: Cajoled; … Etymology dictionary
cajole — I verb allure, bait, coax, entice, importune, lure, ply, pressure, push, tease, tempt, urge II index coax, entice, importune, influence, inveigle, lure … Law dictionary
cajole — [v] attempt to coax; flatter apple polish*, argue into, banter, beguile, blandish, bootlick*, brownnose*, build up, butter up*, con, crowd, deceive, decoy, delude, dupe, entice, entrap, get around, get next to*, hand a line*, induce, influence,… … New thesaurus
cajolé — Cajolé, [cajol]ée. part. pass … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
cajole — ► VERB ▪ persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery. DERIVATIVES cajolery noun. ORIGIN French cajoler … English terms dictionary
cajole — [kə jōl′] vt., vi. cajoled, cajoling [Fr cajoler, orig. to chatter like a jay in a cage; ? blend of OFr cage (see CAGE) + jaole, JAIL] to coax with flattery and insincere talk; wheedle SYN. COAX cajolery n. cajolement cajoler n. cajolingly adv … English World dictionary
cajole — v. 1)(d; tr.) (with an inanimate object) to cajole from, out of (she cajoled some money from him) 2) (d; tr.) to cajole into (he cajoled me into signing over the property) 3) (d; tr.) (with an animate object) to cajole out of (they cajoled him… … Combinatory dictionary
cajole — transitive verb (cajoled; cajoling) Etymology: French cajoler Date: 1630 1. a. to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance ; coax < had to cajole … New Collegiate Dictionary
cajole — ca|jole [kəˈdʒəul US ˈdʒoul] v [I and T] [Date: 1600 1700; : French; Origin: cajoler to make noises like a bird in a cage, cajole , from Old North French gaiole birdcage , from Latin cavea; CAGE1] to gradually persuade someone to do something by… … Dictionary of contemporary English